Chapter 81-No more secrets

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I sat at the dinner table with a slice of
pineapple upside-down cake. I held the fork in my shaking hand and stared at the window.

"What wrong, Harley?,"my Nana sat infront of me. "Don't want it?"

"I do,"I stuck the fork the cake then put it in my mouth. It was good but I couldn't force myself to eat.

"If you want you can take a slice to your friend."

I frowned and a tear hit my eye.

"What's wrong honey?"

"That girl that kissed me at the banquet? She's making stuff up about Flynn. Really bad stuff."

"Like what?"

"She's telling people that he touched her. He wouldn't do that."

"How do you know?"

"He wouldn't."

"Okay. You know him. Let's just pray that that retched girl doesn't get the boy thrown in prison."

I started crying.

"Oh Harley,"she stood up and walked over to me, hugging me. "It's going to be fine okay?"

"How do you know?"

* * *

Flynn P.O.V:

I sat at the dinner table with my mom. She was shouting so much I just blocked her out of my head. I was trying to explain what was going on to her but she wouldn't listen.

My two little brothers sat in the living room.

I didn't want them to hear these lies, these accusations. I didn't want them to think I was a bad person.

"Mom, just listen to me,"I looked at my hands.

She continued.

"Mom, please. Listen."

"Do you know what your father would sa-"


"He would be so upset that you would do something like that-"

"Shut up!,"I pound the table with my hand.

She froze and stared at me. Tears filled her eyes. "I know you have no guidance Flynn. I know you need a male figure to follow after, but this? This is crossing the line."

"But I didn't do it."

She started wiping her tears.

"Mom, when have I ever done something that stupid? I would never do that to a girl. And I don't need my deadbeat father to make me know that. The girl is lying."

"I'm still calling your father-"

"Are you sure he'll answer? He wouldn't care if I killed someone."

"That's not true." She stood up and walked out of the kitchen.

* * *
Harley P.O.V:

I sat in my bedroom waiting for my parents to get home. I knew they had probably heard about the rumors. It was a small town and people talked. Eva talked.

I heard the wheels of my parents' car rush against the pavement and quickly stood up. The car doors slammed one after the other and I rushed over to my window.

My dad turned towards Flynn's house but my mom grabbed his arm.

"I'm going over there,"my dad yanked his arm away.

"Curtis, we need to hear it from our daughter first. Flynn's not that type of kid."

"They never are."

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