Chapter 75- Temptation at the banquet

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I see a few of you hating Zoe already, lol.

She did say that boys that she didn't like liked her, in her book. Also, bad habits are hard to break- Flynn.

Harley P.O.V:

I laid across the couch in my dress, with a bowl of popcorn. I took the bottle of grape crush and tried to sip it, still laying down.

"Harley!,"I jumped at the sound of my grandfather's voice.

I quickly closed the bottle and sat up.

"Why yuh' laying down and drinking soft drink in your dress, child? If your grandmother catch' you doin' that, hmm...She would cut yuh tail."

I giggled. I loved to hear his accent. "Sorry."

"Go brush yuh' teeth."

I quickly got up and rushed up the stairs. Nana was standing at the top. "I love to see you in that dress, deary. Cost me alot."

"I saw the same one on Amazon,"mom slipped pass her. She dusted the salt off my cheeks. "There. You looked pretty now."

I smiled."Thank y-"

"Woah!,"she turned away. "That breath. Go get rid of it before Flynn gets here."

I cupped my hand over my mouth and nose and breathed into it. My breath was gross. Skipping brushing my teeth that morning was a horrible idea. I ran up the stairs and walked into the bathroom. I smiled at myself in the mirror. I couldn't believe Flynn actually agreed to go to the church banquet with me.

Flynn P.O.V:

I laid on my bed staring at me laptop and biting into my KFC wing. I squinted at the time at the corner of the screen then shrugged. I wasn't going anywhere. I had to get ready for school...which meant chilling all day. The door bell rang and I heard mom call me.

"Flynn,"she shouted,"Harley's here for you....for the church thing."

I groaned and shut my computer, then rushed down the two sets of stairs.

Harley's smile wiped off when she saw me, in my pajamas. "Are you kidding me?"

I spun around on my heel and started walking back up the stairs.

"Flynn, I didn't put in a pink dress to have you not come with me."

I continued walking up the stairs.


I looked at her. "Did you wanna stand there and argue with me or do you want me to go get ready?"

She shut her mouth.

"So I thought,"I shook my head.

Harley P.O.V:

Mrs. Friday stood by the door with me, waiting for Flynn. It was awkward. She just stood there looking around without inviting me in.

I started humming and then she finally spoke.

"So, you got Flynn to go to church."

"It's actually a church banquet-"

"You think, because you rolled around in his bed with him, he'll start being the prince charming you want him to be and you could convert him to your Christian faith-"

"I didn't-"

"Flynn's father and I were just like you two. Sneaking around to be with each other, making up lies and hiding from our parents. We thought we were in love and that it was going to last forever. But it doesn't last when you're young and naive. Soon you two will be fighting every night and you'll be hiding from each other. Saying you were working late, when really you're in a hotel room with Danny and his twin Daniel."

I quickly looked away with wide eyes.

"The point is, you and my son aren't going to last. You need someone better."

I looked at her again. Did she just say I needed someone better? What kind of mother would do that to her son?"

Flynn P.O.V:

I walked down the stairs in my black suite and pink tie. Harley smiled when she saw me. She held my hand and we walked down the steps. I waved at my mom, but she slammed the door.

We got into her grandparent's car and drove off.

* * *

Going with her was one of the biggest mistakes I had done. Especially, with the fact that I had to sit with a bunch of other teens at a table. I sighed and looked at her. She looked so happy to be with May. She wasn't going to go if I didn' at least I made her go.

Zoe walked over to the table with a small book in her hand. She wore a suit, which was totally off to me. She smile at us. "What would you guy like to have?"

"You're serving?,"I furrowed my brows at her.

"Yeah, I-"

"She volunteered,"May smiled. "They were short on staff here so she decided to pitch in with no pay."

"You'd rather serve than enjoy the food?,"one of the guys tilted his head at her.

"Uh, yeah. Besides,"she leaned foward,"I get to eat the leftovers in the kitchen. More desert for me."

Everyone laughed. That was really nice of her.

* * *
She returned with two trays. I could see that she was struggling so I stood up and helped her. I took the tray and started puting people's bowls of soup infront of them.

"Thank you, so much,"she smiled.

"No problem."

Harley smiled at me, while I put her bowl infront of her. "That was really sweet."

I smiled at her then walked back over to my seat.

"Tell me if you guys need anything, okay?" Zoe turned around.

I watched her as she walked away. My eyes ran down to her bottom. I felt May kick my knee and quickly looked at her.

She shook her head. "Don't do it Flynn. Don' it."

I looked at Harley's seat. She wasn't there. Thank God she wasn't. "I-"

"You remember what you told me before I posted the video?"

"When you were blackmailing me?,"I picked up my spoon.

"Yeah, when I was blackmailing you."

"No, I don't remember,"I lied. My eye twitched and I dipped my spoon into my bowl. I could believe she brought that up again.

Someone sat beside me.

I put the spoon in my mouth. "Shit,"I dropped it back unto the table angrily.

"You should really blow the soup before you put it in your mouth." The person next to me said.

I looked at her. "Eva."


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