Chapter 38- Liar Liar

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I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling. My heart was happy that Flynn said that he liked me, but my brain was saying that he lied to me. Flynn was really really good at lying. I watched him lie multiple times to everyone..and to me.

* * *

I stood on the sidewalk the next morning waiting for him to come out of his house.

When he finally did, his face lit up when he saw me.

I quickly crossed the street with my head down.

"Why..are you wearing black?,"his voice sounded hoarse.

"I'm in mourning I guess,"I looked at him. "I need a ride,"I titled my head at him.


I walked over to the car door and got in.

He followed. "You know, Megan's gonna ask you-"

"That's her problem."

"Harley, what's going on with you?...Is it because I said that I-"

"You made me lie to my parents, Flynn,"I looked at him.

"It's not like you haven't before."

"Yeah, I have. But I feel guilty when I do. Last night I had to sleep with guilt...Something you've probably never felt-"

"Harley, I feel guilty everyday. I have a heart. I have feelings and emotions."

"For a straight "A" student I'm surprised you don't know that those two words are the same in meaning."

He sighed and started the car. "I'm really sorry I made you have to lie. Next time you get wasted, I'll leave you on your front lawn."

"You know what Flynn? I'll freaking walk,"I got out of the car.

"Fine,"he shouted.


He drove off without me.

Of course I didn't think he would actually leave me...I guess I was wrong.

* * *
I walked up the stairs exhausted. The heat from the sun and the black clothes did not mix. I walked breathlessly over to my locker and sat in the ground of the almost empty hallway.

Hayden was walking down the hallway. He walked straight past me, but had a change of heart and walked back over to me. "Are you okay?"

I shook my head. "No,"I frowned.

He sat beside me. "What happened to you?"

"I walked to school. Left my car here."

"I heard about yesterday. Everyone's talking about it....I'm really sorry."

I looked at him. "I guess sleeping with my best friend made you think we'd be even, huh?"

"She came unto me. I mean..I'm not one to blame,"he shut his eyes. "but..I was really upset...and vulnerable."

I giggled and leaned my head against the locker. "Guys these days. Blame the girl for everything-"

"Okay, we were both upset with you, so..we..decided that doing...what we did it to punish you."

"That's ridiculous Hayden,"I looked at him. "The only people who got punished were the both of you. May was a virgin-"

"And I wasn't? You think I ran around before I came here? I was happy back in Britain and then I came here..and the drama started from day one."

"Well I'm sorry I caused drama for you-"

"You didn't ask to be in all of this."

"Technically I did."

"No, Harley. All of this started the day Flynn hit you with the bat."

He was right. All of this was Flynn's fault.

"You might think all of this stuff was bound to happen but it wasn't...and I'm not saying all of this because I like you..I did but that's over,"he looked at the floor. "I'm saying this because I still care and I don't like seeing you sulk around behind Flynn. He's using you and I know you know it. You're just afraid to admit it to yourself."

The bell rang.

"Anyway, I have classes to get to. Open your eyes, Harley. You're smart. Use your head,"he stood up.

"Not my heart,"I looked at my hands.

He walked away.

I watched Flynn walk out of the classroom. He looked at me and I looked away.

* * *
I sat in the cafeteria by myself. It's not that people didn't want to sit with me. I just sent them all away, including Megan. She just wanted to gossip and I wasn't up for it.

Flynn walked over to the table and sat down beside me.

"Can you please go somewhere else?,"I looked at him.

"I just wanna apologize about this morning. I'm really sorry."

"Sure you are."

"Harley, please just...forgive me or..tell me what's wrong..or something. This silent treatment thing isn't working for me."

"Again, for a straight "A" student you're really stupid. I'm talking to you. We're talking. We're making eye contact."

"Are we?"

I squinted at him.

"Harley...tell me the truth."

"Are you sure you can handle that? You know, since you haven't said anything true a while."

"Oh my goodness..You think I lied to you last night. Harley, I would never lie to you. Expecially about how I feel about you. I really like you. What do you need my to do to prove it?"

"Say it out loud."

"What?,"he gulped.

"Shout it out loud for everyone to hear."

"You know I can't do that, Harley."

I got up. "You just don't have to guts to do it." I walked away.

I felt bad for the way I acted but I wasn't going to run back to him.

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