Chapter 55- Christmas party pt2

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I'm really, really sorry I couldn't update yesterday. Life has just become busier for me. I really sorry.

Oh, and to @SerenaOrozco and @XxElisabethSmilexX, Wattpad just added a new feature, where you can add photos and videos anywhere on your book, chapter etc.

I sat at a table with Everyone and their dates. Well, Danny obviously forced Brandy to sit away from us, but I was fine with it. I watched Flynn and Heather avoid eye contact with each other. They ignored each other the whole ride to the party. May and Hayden were smiling at each other and laughing. They were so happy.

I looked at my plate. I remembered Flynn's warning when I met Hayden. He warned me about him. About how he was sure Hayden had feelings for May. I should've been sure too.
"Hey Harley,"Heather squinted her eyes at me.

I looked at her.

"How come you didn't invite Eva?"

"I forgot."

"You forgot about your girlfriend?"

Flynn shook his head.

I furrowed my brows at her. "Yes, Heather. I forgot about my girlfriend." I stood up. "Does anyone want some punch?"

No one said a word.

"Okay. It's fine." I turned around and walked over to the food table. I poured myself a glass and stood by the table drinking my punch.

May and Hayden got up and walked unto the middle of the dance floor.

I looked at Flynn and Heather. They started arguing. Heather kept pointing at me. She suddenly looked at me and stopped.

I put my glass down and walked back over to the table. I sat down and they immediately shut up. We sat there quietly for a while then Heather broke the silence.

"Babe, do you wanna dance?,"she faked her smile. If my mom saw it, she would say Heather had gas.

"What?,"Flynn looked at her,"So you're gonna act like nothing happened?"

"All you had to say was no...I'll go ask one of your friends,"she got up and walked away.

I looked at Flynn. "....Am I the problem? Because she's looking at me like I'm the problem."

"You're not the problem,"he looked at me. "She has a problem. She thinks I'm in love with you."

"...Aren't you?"

He furrowed his brows at me.

"I like me..right?"

"Yes, Harley. I do. Alot, but she's taking it far. I drew you a couple of times and she saw my drawings."

"You..,"I felt the pressure on my cheeks to smile,"draw me?"

"..I've..doodled your face in my art book a couple of times, but she has no reason to get jealous about that."

"Are you sure you didn't draw hearts all over me or something?,"I giggled.

"No...,"he smiled. "I didn't....She just overreacts."

"Then dump her,"I leaned foward.

"I want to. But you have to dump Eva first."

I leaned back. "You know I can't do that."

"You can,"he folded his arms. "You just don't want to because you're so kindhearted."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"You think that if you do, you'll mess up her life or something."

"You're the one who told me I couldn't dump her now because it would make us look bad."

"Well I don't care about that anymore. I don't care what people think Harley. I want to be with you."

My heart started pounding in my chest.

"And the more you entertain Eva's stupidity, the dumber she gets."

"Eva's not being stupid."

"She's dating a girl to fit in. That's the stupidest thing anyone can do."

"You don't know what it's like to not fit in. You've been fitting in since you were born, Flynn."


"I shouldn't have come here. I only came because I thought you were my date." I stood up. "I'm going to get Brandy to take me home."

"No,"he stood up and stood in front of me. "You can't leave."


"Please? I need you here with me...You bought this expensive dress and you got your hair done for this-"

"Actually, Brandy did it."

"Really? Well she's amazing,"he smiled.

I giggled.

He unconsciously put his hand on my cheek. "I want you here."

I looked up at him.

"I really wish I could kiss you right now."

"What's stopping you?"

"Everything,"he frowned, looking at my lips.

"FLYNN!,"Heather shouted, marching over to us. Her shoe heel suddenly snapped and she fell to the floor.

Everyone laughed including Flynn.

I rushed over to her and helped her up. She didn't seem as upset with me as I expected.

"Thank you, Harley,"she smiled.

"No problem." I stooped down and picked up her shoe heel. I looked at her. "Give me the other shoe."

She put it in my hand.

I broke off the other heel. "Here."

She put her foot up and I put the shoe on her foot. "Thanks."

I nodded.

She walked over to Flynn. "I want to go home."

"Okay,"he shrugged with a smile.

Her eyes grew.

"Hey Carl!,"Flynn shouted. "Can you drop Heather home for me? You owe me."

"Sure,"Carl walked over to them. "Let's go,"he smiled at Heather.

She looked at Flynn, then walked away with Carl.

Flynn walked over to me. "Would you like to dance?"

A smile spread across my face. "Yes."

He held my hand out and put his other on my back.

It was a fairy tale ending. I got the prince. The only problem was that I might have been the evil queen in the picture. But sometimes the evil ones win.

I'll be posting three chapters today. Hopefully one after the other.

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