Chapter 6- Cliche goth girl

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I sat in my seat waiting for Flynn to enter the classroom. He did, but he didn't look very happy.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Roberts,"Flynn walked over to his seat,"Will probably do it again. " He sat down in front of me.

Mr. Roberts shook his head,"You should be suspended."

"I know..but I'm not,"he threw his book open angrily,"so kiss my ass."

"FLYNN!,"Mr. Roberts shouted,"Don't make me send you to the office again."

"You never learn, do you? It doesn't make sense sending me to the office. Nothing happens. I just end up in your stupid class again. Besides, I get freaking straight A's. So it's not like you idiots have any choice, but to keep me."

Mr. Roberts grit his teeth. He couldn't find the words to say, so he just turned around and continued writing on the board.

I sighed before patting Flynn on the shoulder.

"What!?,"he spun around and looked at me. He was acting angry but his eyes showed depression. I could almost see a tear in his eye.

"Are..,"I said shyly," okay?"

"You wouldn't care,"he turned back around.

I frowned. What was his problem?

*  *  *

After class, Mr. Roberts kept him back. I stood by the wall waiting for him. When the door opened he walked out with red eyes and a running nose.

Mr. Robert had his hand on Flynn's shoulder. "It's okay, son,"he said,"I was just like you. You can change, Flynn..You can change."

"Thank you, sir,"Flynn looked at him,"I'm sorry."

Mr. Roberts nodded,"I know." He smiled at him, handed him a tissue and then shut the door.

Flynn looked at me.

"Are you-"

"-Don't,"he walked away.

I followed him. "Flynn wait!"

Danny appeared next to me. "Hey,"he held my hand.

"Hey,"I watched Flynn walk away.

Danny touched my head. "How is it?"

"Hurts,"I said, still staring at Flynn at his locker. "I' right back." I walked over to Flynn.

"Could you please leave me alone?"

"Well, you are supposed to take of me, but, okay?" I turned around.

"Wait!,"he held my upper arm.

I looked at him.

"I promised your mother I would take care of you, so I will... Even if you "hate me"."

"Is that why you were crying earlier-"

"-NO!...No. I don't like you either,"he looked down,"I wouldn't have hit you with the bat if I knew I would have to walk behind you like a french poodle."

"So you admit it?"

"Admit what?"

"That you did it on purpose?"

"No, I di..,"he shook his head,"Come on." He started walking.

I followed him with a smile.

While walking down the hallway, I noticed the girls pointing and whispering. I looked at Flynn. He was smiling.

"I-uh...,"I looked at the floor,"have to go..." I walked away.

"See you this afternoon."

*  *  *

I stooped down between Flynn's car and another, waiting for him to appear. I didn't want anyone to see me with him, as you already know.

He suddenly appeared. As soon as he unlocked the door, I opened the passenger's side and got in, ducking my head in his lap.

He laughed. "What are you doing?"

"Just hurry up and drive."

"Uh..I think the people passing by might have a different idea of what's really going on,"he twirled his finger around my head,"here."

"Aren't you accustom to this kind of stuff? Anyway, I doubt anyone will know it's me."

"You have a bandage around your head. I think they'll know."

I let out a long sigh and sat up, slouching in my seat.

"Put your seat belt on."

"Said the boy who doesn't bother with the rules."

He chuckled. "It's for protection, Harley."

I put in on. "Happy now? I hope you use protection with all the girls you sleep with."

We drove off. "You know those are rumors right? I've never slept with anyone before. I only say that so the guys would think I'm a player. The ladies love it anyway. You slept with Danny, right?"

"Of course not. I haven't slept with anyone either. I don't believe in sleeping with people you barely know and don't love. I'm waiting till marriage anyway."

"I don't care. I just want to do it with someone I really care about. I don't believe in sleeping around either."

I nodded. "Okay."


After two minutes of silence, I grabbed the aux cord and plugged it into my phone. A song began to play.

"Cliché goth girl, with her depressing music,"he smiled.

"Hey! Again with the judging. I'm not a goth, okay? Sheesh. I just like dark colors and...slow music. I listen to dubstep too you know."

"I hear you."

I shook my head and looked away.

After the song stopped he looked at me. "Do you..really hate me?"

"Of course not. I'm human. We say things we don't mean."

"You're a girl. They do that alot."

I tilted my head and looked at him by the corner of my eyes.

He chuckled.

I snickered too.

"I always thought when I tried talking to you, you might cuss me out, but you're really cool..most of the time."

"And I always thought you were a player and a class clown, but you're both....most of the time."

He looked at me.

"I'm kidding,"I punched his arm,"You're actually pretty sweet-I mean neat..I'm mean....Whatever."

He blushed.

We pulled up into his driveway. His girlfriend wasn't there. I looked at him and he looked at me.

"Thank you for today,"I smirked at him,"You know "taking care" of me and everything."

"Thank you for today too,"he looked down nervously.


"I like hanging out with you."

I smiled. I grabbed his face, turning it to he side, and kissing him on the cheek.

He looked at me with a grin. "What was that for?"

"I don't know. Appreciation?"

He blushed.

"I'm a girl,"I got out of the car," We do that a lot."

The Bad Boy Hit Me In The Face With A Baseball Bat (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now