Chapter 57- We Forgot Tomorrow

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I looked at Flynn. He was staring at the ceiling. We had done it. Done what May kept boasting about and almost every teen in the world talked about doing....and it was nothing.

* * *
We both crawled under the sheet. Flynn was shaking.

"Uhm...,"he looked at me,"What am I suppose to do now?"

"I don't know. You should..shouldn't you?"


I felt something rush my leg.

"Am I in?"

"No..Are you?- OWW! YOU'RE IN "YOUR" IN-"

"Shhh! You'll wake up your mom."

I took a deep breath.

He put his hand on my cheek and I pushed it away. "What's your problem?"

"There's no problem,"I gulped. "....Let's just get this over with."

* * *
"You should..go,"I bit the corner of my lip nervously. The whole thing was awkward.

He looked at me. "Yeah...I should." He sat up and just stared at the wall. Then he stood up and put his pants on.

I sighed.

He looked at me about to say something, but he turned back around. He slowly put his shirt back on.

I furrowed my brows. "Why'd you carry a condom?"

He looked at me. "What?"

"You had a condom. Was this your plan in the first place?"


"Or was I supposed to be Heather?"

"No Harley,"he sat on the bed. "It was Freddy. He gave it to me. I didn't even ask him for it. He just pushed it in my pocket."

"Some step dad his." I turned away from him, on my side

He put his hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine...Just go."

"I'm can stay and leave in the morning."

"It is morning."

"I know that."

"But you probably thought I wouldn't since it only took you fifteen minutes-"

"Oh my goodness. May filled your head with a pile of crap. She lied, Harley. She lied because she wanted you to be like her. To lose your virginity like her-"

"Then what did I just do?..What did we just do, huh? We just did exactly what she wanted us to do-"

"Did you...did you really do this because of her?"

"No. I did it because you wanted to do it."

"I did it because I thought you wanted to."

I choked back tears.

"It wasn't really that bad for me...Did I hurt you or something?...Or did you not feel i-"

"I..I did. It just wasn't that amazing for me."

He frowned. "I really didn't think it would be like this....They sugar coat it so much in books and movies."

"Well, you should stop reading fiction."

He chuckled and I smiled then frowned again.

"I need a shower,"I crawled out of bed, covering myself with a pillow and walking into my bathroom. I closed the door and hoping he wouldn't be there when I returned.

As I got into the shower, the tears began to flow. I started scrubbing my skin with my rag, not because I felt dirty by Flynn but because my mother was in her room. I felt like a bad daughter. What if she overheard? What if dad came home? What if- what if- what if-

I walked out of the shower and put on my pajamas. When I walked back into my room, Flynn was still sitting there.

"You're still here,"I looked at him..

"I'm building up my courage to do the walk of shame,"he flashed a smile.

I walked over to him and sat beside him. "Well you told me to focus on the now..I was. I didn't think about the consequences."

"You forgot about tomorrow, huh."

"Today,"I looked at him.

"Well yesterday you forgot about today, which is tomorrow."

I shook my head and smiled at him. "You're such an idiot."

He smiled, then kissed my forehead. "Even if you regret it, I don't. I'm glad it was you and not anyone else...I'm really hoping you're my first and last."

"I hope so too."

"This was just the first time."

"It sure was awkward."

"Maybe that's how it was supposed to be." He stood up and walked over to my window.

"Wait..What if I get pregnant?"

"Then you'll have no choice but to marry me, and we'll live happily ever after."

I giggled.

He climbed out of the window.

I pulled my sheets off the bed. I looked at Hammy/ Fluffy. Should I tell him that we did it in front of the hamster? Nah.

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