Chapter 100- May's Fault

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Happy 100th Chapter..Well technically...happy unhappy 100th chapter. I don't know how you felt about Eva's suicide but I myself wished she had listened to Flynn.

Anyway, enjoy..this..chapter. Are you supposed to enjoy it? I don't know.

I walked into Harley's room. Mrs. Branson stood up and rushed over to me, throwing her arms around me.

"Are you okay, son?" Mr. Branson looked at me with a sympathetic look. A look that everyone was giving me.

I hadn't spoken in days. And that wasn't good in anyway...since all everyone wanted me to do was communicate. Especially my therapist.

"How do you feel?" She'd ask. "Draw me a picture."

And I'd shut my eyes and see Eva's face. Then I'd do the norm; puke my breakfast in the trash can.

May had gone to school and done her SATs as normal. Unfortunately for her, she forgot everything she had practiced because all she could think about was how Eva's death was her fault. She had been locked in her room ever since then.

Hayden would ask me about her, but as you'd think, I wouldn't answer him. My dad decided to stay the rest of the year, since I "needed him". In truth and in fact, the only person I needed was trapped in a coma.

My brothers felt it worse than I did. They couldn't handle my "changes". Frederick couldn't deal with having no one to talk to and Felix couldn't handle not hearing his big brother. My mom cried more. She was destroyed by how much of an impact things had on me. She said I stopped smiling.

I mean..why would I smile? I wasn't happy and I wasn't going to wear a mask.

I sat on the couch in the corner of Harley room and shut my eyes. My mother said that sleep was the only time I'd talk. She said she would hear me crying out in my sleep. I woke up in a cold sweat most nights because all I had were nightmares.

At one point, I even came to the conclusion that if Harley didn't wake up in the next month, I'd be the one to go next. I wasn't thinking that time. I was just so angry with how my life was going. How could Eva just take the easy way out like that? She did all of this and then she left. I had never hated someone that much in my life. I was glad she was dead. It just should've been me to do it.

I frowned and grit my teeth angrily. I felt a hand on my head. The person started singing. The voice was familiar but I was too tired to focus on making it out. I suddenly felt myself drifting off into sleep. I slept peacefully for the first time in a while.

* * *

I jumped up at the sound of voices. There were nurses standing around Harley's bed. They were laughing and smiling but I didn't notice. I stood up. "Is something wrong?" I asked one of them.

"No,"she smiled. "It's Harley. She's awake."

"What?,"I pushed past them.

Harley was sitting on her bed with a bright smile. It got even brighter when she saw me.

I stared at her. "Am I dreaming or is this real? Because it doesn't feel real."

"Come on, Flynn,"she tilted her head. "Are you kidding me?"

I chuckled. Tears ran down my cheeks. I walked over to her and hugged her.

"Awww"s came from all of the nurses.

She looked at me with large eyes. "Eva...did you stop her in time?"


Tears filled her eyes but she blinked them back. "May did this didn't she?" She said in an angry, disappointed tone.

I looked at the confused nurses. "Uhm..can I have a minute with-"

They started walking out of the room.

"He's talking now,"one of them whispered.

"How adorable are they?" Another giggled.

"Thank you,"I shouted before the door closed. I looked at Harley.

"Is that why my parents said you weren't sleeping? Do you blame yourself or something-"

"No. I don't blame myself for someone else's suicide. I feel like I could've prevented it...but I don't blame myself....not like May does."

"It's her fault."

"No. Don't say that,"I held her hand.

"It is. You don't tell a depressed person to kill themself. I heard everything. I heard what you told Eva about how she was sick. You changed how I saw her. I hated her and I was hoping she would die but...I heard what you said and all I wanted to do was wake up and hug her..and tell her that it was okay. Now, I can't do that."

"But don't blame, May. She was looking out for you."

"Looking out for me? Murder is not looking out for your best friend."

"She's dying inside Harley. She needs you-"

"Well I don't want to see her."

"You don't really mean that-"

She looked at me.

I knew that look. She meant it.

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