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Jughead and Amethyst were sitting in their English class, talking in hushed whispers between each other as the teacher explained to the class what their next assignment was going to be. Amethyst already knew what the assignment was, due to her finding the teachers schedule on this semester at the beginning of the term.

"Your short stories were due today. Now, I'm not going to make you read them, but-- Amethyst, Jughead, pay attention or I will make you read yours!" The teacher called out, causing Amie and Juggy to turn back around. "Actually, Amethyst, can you read yours out? Since you never pay attention to my class anyway."

Amethyst narrowed her eyes at the teacher.

"Miss Moore, if you do not read your story, I will be giving you a detention," the teacher said.

Amethyst huffed as she pulled out her story and then walked out to the front of the room. Amie hated that everyone's attention was onto her. It shoved more unwanted pressure onto her shoulders that she really didn't need.

"My mother passed away five years ago this week, so I based my short story on her," Amethyst told the class and she could instantly see the regret in the teachers eyes for making her share such a sentimental thing. "I actually write a lot of short stories in my spare time anyway so this was a breeze."

Amethyst looked down at the page and licked her lips, taking a deep breathe.

"When I was a eleven, I was asked by my mother what I pictured heaven to look like. She told me that hers would be in a meadow that was covered in so many pink and purple flowers that you couldn't even see the grass underneath them. She told me that there would be a tree that touched the sky and she would climb that tree to the top and look out into the distance at the mountains. The mountains that never existed but always came to mind when she thought of a beautiful view. She told me that the birds would be chirping overhead, that the breeze would blow past and the sun would be shining onto her tanned skin, making her feel warm and welcomed."

Amethyst smiled. "She told me that there would be a pizza shop, the one she went to when she travelled to Italy. It would supply the best pizzas and she would eat them day in and day out and never grow old of it because in heaven, you never change. You never grow. Mom told me that there would be no sickness. That the very thing that was killing her wouldn't even exist and she would be able to do whatever she pleased without doctors being next to her every step of the way. But instead, me and Demarcus. Because we would always follow our mother in whatever life decisions she'd make.

"She told me that I would be in her heaven, as well as my older brother. We would be together, laughing, playing, loving life. She said she would run up to us and wrap us into her arms, smiling at the fact that her family were all together and happy and safe, even if I was just a hologram of the real version that would still be on earth, wondering why my mother left me and why I didn't follow her.

THE DRIVE ( jughead jones )Where stories live. Discover now