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Amethyst rubbed her cold hands together and then brought it up to her face, breathing warm air upon them. She stood besides Jughead in the forest as they waited for the rest of the people to rock up, with Betty standing before everyone. Once the last person made it, Betty clasped her hands together.

"Okay, the Sisters of Quiet Mercy are due north and the getaway car was west on the old Route 40," she said, directing with her hands each place. "Closest bus station is east, headed towards Sweetwater. If Polly wanted to leave Riverdale without being seen, she probably would've left through here. Eversgreen Forest."

"Alright, let's go Amigos!" Amethyst called out and everyone parted ways to find Polly.

They seemed to be looking for quiet a while with no Polly insight. Betty was about to call it quits for the day when another group entered the territory. The Blossoms, accompanied by a few friends and the Sheriff, walked right up to Alice and Hal Cooper.

"Alice Cooper," Penelope said, a sneer on her face. "Where is she? Where's Polly?"

"You think if I knew that I would be out here with the mosquitoes?" Alice asked.

"Face the facts, Mommy Dearest, Polly killed Jason," Cheryl said.

"She escaped from the asylum once. Who's to say she didn't before? Say, the day Jason got murdered?" Clifford Blossom said.

"The noose is tightening around your murdering daughter's neck," Penelope said, stepping closer to Alice. "I know it, Sheriff Keller knows it--"

"Hold on, now," Sheriff said.

"And I promise you, when we find her, and we will find her, the entire town of Riverdale will know it too."

"Dad told me that they took up the offer," Archie said, bouncing a ball against the wall of Fred's office and then catching it.

"I'm surprised my dad did. I didn't actually think he'd try," Jughead said. "He seemed pretty adamant about that the last time I saw him."

"Maybe he had a change of heart?" Archie said.

Jughead scoffed. "Doubt it."

"Juggy," Amethyst said, placing a hand on his knee. "Your dad loves you. That gives him a motive to try to change for the better."

Jughead nodded. "I guess you're right."

"And, Archie, I can get my brother to do what ever I want with just a bat of my eyelash," Amie said. "It's wasn't hard persuading him to get a job."

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