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Now we would hear from the person who was closest to Jason those days leading up to his disappearance: Polly Cooper. How a casual conversation turned into an epic forbidden romance. How, for reasons still murky, their respective parents tried to tear them apart. How their break-up was short-lived because Polly soon learned she was pregnant with Jason's baby. How they became secretly engaged with his grandmother's blessing and her heirloom ring and made plans to run away together. To start a new life. And how their dreams of escape went up in flames.

Moving into the Andrew's household with Jughead made Amethyst feel like she moved into a frat house. All night every night, Archie and Jughead would stay up and play video games until Fred eventually told them to turn it off. And because she was now living in a teenage boys room, she was constantly living with the stench that came with teenage boys. So, Amethyst currently had a clothes peg over her nose so that she wouldn't have to smell the revolting odour the boys left.

"You gotta stop blowing me up," Jughead groaned as he held his remote tighter in frustration.

"Blowing up builds character," Amethyst's nasally voice said from behind them.

"You're going the wrong way," Archie said in defence. "You're going -- left."

"What are you doing?" Jughead complained.

Then their characters both got killed and Archie groaned. "Come on, man."

"You're the one who keeps accidentally killing me," Jughead countered.

"War is hell, Jug," Archie said.

"You know what else is hell?" Amethyst asked. "The stench you two currently smell like."

Archie and Jughead shared looks. "So you think we smell bad?" Archie asked.

Jughead smelled under his armpit. "I don't smell anything bad. Do you Arch?"

Archie shook his head. "I don't smell anything wrong. Do you want to test it out, Amie?"

Amethyst frowned. "Is that even a question?"

Jughead smirked. "I take that as my answer."

Amethyst's eyes widened. "Wait!"

But it was too late. The two teenage boys pounced onto Amethyst who was sitting on Archie's bed and tried to shove their armpits in her face. "Ew. Ew. Ew! Blugh!" Amethyst gagged, trying to cover her nose. "No! The peg's gone!" She tried to cover her nose again but Jughead pulled her hand away. "Help meeeeeee!" She called out to Fred who was most likely downstairs.

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