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Every fairytale comes with the same warning: good children should never go into the woods alone. Stray from the path and who knows what you'll encounter. A hungry wolf. A handsome devil. Or maybe something worse. Those kids in the fairy tales who go into the woods, they don't come back the same. They're always changed in some fundamental way. Sometimes for the better. More often for the worse. That's the common misconception about fairy tales. They very rarely have a happy ending.

"It was full-on Carrie," Kevin explained what happened when he encountered Moose and Midge the previous night. Amethyst was nervously tapping her foot on the ground, not eager to start school at Southside High in an hour. "Midge covered in Moose's blood, screaming like a banshee. It was insane."

"Kev, what were you even doing there? You could've been shot, too, "Archie asked as he walked into the room.

"I was just night-jogging," Kevin explained. Amethyst rose an eyebrow. "You know, as one does, and suddenly, I hear gunshots."

"Can we at least agree there's a killer on the loose?" Archie said, sitting down on the sofa.

"With terrible aim," Jughead pointed out.

"Jughead, he murdered Ms Grundy," Archie frowned.

"He's good at strangling, terrible at shooting," Amethyst said.

"Arch, we don't know that these three crimes are related," Betty told him.

"Guys, can we focus on what really matters here?" Veronica said. "Midge and Moose are alive. Archie's dad survived....The new season of Matchlerette starts tonight. You're all coming over to watch."

Amethyst frowned. "I don't think now is the right time to be focused on a reality tv show," she said.

"That's only because you were upset that Matty didn't pick Tara last season," Betty pointed out.

Amethyst huffed and crossed her arms, knowing she was right.

"Amie's right, Veronica," Jughead said. "There's a shooter terrorising the town. You really want us to watch a gross reality dating show?"

"What I really want is for you guys to meet my dad. Officially," Veronica said. "Back in New York, my dad was always in his study doing very bad things, as it turns out. And I'm tired of closed doors. I need to know my dad's life and he needs to know mine."

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