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Tall Boy had sent Jughead the address at where they would be meeting, and Jughead and Amethyst ventured to the Southside and into a shop before walking downstairs to a dark and moody room.

Amethyst looked around the room with a frown. It was very dimly lit by a few candles, and people sat around with packets in their hands with punk music playing in the background. Amethyst slightly glanced at Demarcus, who stood in the corner of the room with his arms crossed as he looked at everyone in distaste. Amethyst rose an eyebrow as Tall Boy walked up to them.

"Sit down, guys," he told them. "We have business to discuss."

"Tall Boy, what the hell is this? Where are we?" Jughead asked, looking around with a frown.

"You're in my house," a guy behind Amethyst said. Amethyst turned to look at the attractive male with brown curly hair as he walked passed her. He chuckled as he held his arms out. "It's the House of the Dead." He looked at Amethyst with a smirk. "Darnel was right. You are gorgeous."

Amethyst rose an eyebrow as she felt her face flush. "Darnel? The guy I punched in the face?"

"Yeah," he chuckled. "You broke it too."

"I know," Amethyst replied shortly. "I have a good right hook."

"I'm sorry to interrupt this," Jughead said sternly. "But who the hell are you?"

"Take it easy, Jughead," Tall Boy told him. "Malachai speaks for the Ghoulies." Amethyst rose her eyebrows as she glanced at the curly-haired man. "The heat on us and our ranks depleted, our tribes need to untie, and that's gonna be easier to do if you endorse this partnership."

"Us?" Jughead asked.

"Yeah," Tall Boy said. "You're FP's son and Dariela's daughter. That carries weight, especially with our younger members."

Amethyst rose an eyebrow as her eyes flickered to Demarcus. "What about Dem?"

"He's the same, just more to do with the older members because they trust him," Tall Boy said.

"Tall Boy, they're the reason Southside was even raided!" Jughead told him, gesturing towards Malachai. "Them and their jingle-jangle."

"Chaos is how we thrive," Malachai responded, a smirk on his face. "You two better get used to it."

Jughead turned to Tall Boy, a look of disbelief on his face. "Are you seriously gonna do this to my dad? You're supposed to be his right hand."

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