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"Just in time. We're celebrating," Veronica told Jughead as he entered the student lounge. He frowned as he glanced at the group, not seeing Amethyst, before noticing her over by the vending machine.

"Archie was telling us how he's going to some super-exclusive music program," Kevin told him.

"Maybe," Archie shrugged. "If it happens, though, it'd be huge for me."

"Are you listening, Amie?" Veronica asked as she looked over her shoulder.

Amethyst held her thumb up from behind her as she gently kicked the non-responsive vending machine.

"Money stealing mother fucker," she mumbled under her breath.

"Do you have to audition for it?" Jughead asked Archie as he walked over towards Amethyst.

"Not exactly." Jughead angled the vending machine at the perfect angle for her chocolate bar to fall down. Amethyst picked it up and grinned at Jughead before he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Mrs Blossom said she'd put a good word in for me."

"Amazing," Kevin said.

"Terrifying," Veronica corrected.

"Uh-huh," Jughead nodded while him and Amethyst sat down on the spare love seat. "What's she getting out of it?"

"Is this about the tree tapping thing they're having?" Amethyst asked Archie, and he nodded. "Yeah, I'm going to that. Cheryl pretty much told me I had to or else."

"You're going to the Blossom tree-tapping ceremony?" Jughead asked, his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, well, I've got nothing else planned for the next few days," Amethyst shrugged, taking a bite out of her chocolate.

"I told Mrs Blossom that I'd take Cheryl to that. I talked to Valerie and she's cool with it," Archie explained.

"Cool with you being a gigolo?" Jughead asked

Archie frowned. "I'm doing someone a favour for my music. I need to make connections outside of Riverdale."

"That's the way of the world," Veronica agreed. "It's about connections. But Jughead's right."

Amethyst raised her eyebrows up. "Did I hear that correctly?" Jughead playfully nudged her and she grinned back.

"These kinds of flavours come with a price tag," Veronica said, and when Archie gave her an incredulous look, she turned to Betty. "Betty, back me up here."

THE DRIVE ( jughead jones )Where stories live. Discover now