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Amethyst zipped up her suitcase with a big sigh. Jughead looked at her from across the room, sharing the same look that she had just as he finished zipping up his backpack.

Archie leant against his doorway and smiled sadly at his two best friends. "Are you two ready?" He asked.

Jughead nodded before he stood up and slung his backpack over his shoulders. Amethyst slung her backpack on and heaved her suitcase up. They all walked out of Archie's room and where Archie helped Amethyst take her suitcase down the stairscase where Fred took Amethyst's suitcase to the car. The three best friends stopped at the doorway and just looked at each other.

"I'll miss you two," Archie said.

Amethyst smiled lightly as she pulled him into a hug. "We can still meet up at Pop's daily," she said.

"Yeah. We're going to have to do that," he said.

"Archie, it's the 21st century," Jughead told him. "We'll find a way."

Archie chuckled lightly and nodded.

"Honestly, I'm more relieved to be getting out of that man cave," Amethyst told them. "I'll finally get enough sleep because I won't be listening to you two play video games all night."

Jughead chuckled as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "You loved it."

Amethyst hummed before Fred walked back into the house. "Are you two ready?" He asked.

Amethyst smiled lightly and nodded before her and Jughead walked out of the Andrew's house and walked towards FP's car, that Jughead had taken to owning.

Amethyst turned to Fred. "Thank you so much, Fred, for taking Jughead and I in."

Fred smiled lightly. "Yeah, it was no problem. I owed it to your parents."

"Yeah, thank you," Jughead told him.

Fred nodded before the two teenagers hopped into the car. They sent Archie and Fred one more wave before Jughead started the car up and drove away.

Instead of going to Amethyst's and Demarcus' new cabin, Jughead wanted to say goodbye to his fathers trailer. He wasn't sure if it would get sold to some other person or taken apart, but he pretty much grew up in that trailer and he just wanted to see it one last time just in case.

Amethyst walked into the trailer first and let out a low whistle as she looked around. "Nice," she said, noticing how everything was clean and in order with no beer bottles around. "He really did turn it around."

"Yeah," Jughead said, walking into the trailer and shutting the door behind him. "He wasn't lying when he told me that he would turn his behaviour around for me."

THE DRIVE ( jughead jones )Where stories live. Discover now