Chapter 43

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“Shit, Lucas covered up for Nathan? Bad best friend.” I laughed pointing at the television.

“Good brother” Niall snapped.

“Ahh…he should’ve covered up for Haley. It’s not her fault that Nathan won’t grow up.”

“Please, give me a break. Her recording sessions with Chris were more important than getting to the formals at the right time. Nathan has the reason to get angry.”

“He is a baby to think that she is into Chris when he knows that she loves him only.”

“He feels insecure because he loves her too.”

“Well, he should have trust in their love. He knows Haley and her feelings.”

“Feelings change.”

“Shut up. Nathan and Haley are meant to stay together forever.”

“You think that will happen?”

“Yes of course. No matter what happen true love always finds its way.”

I was shocked to see myself giving lectures on love.

“Well, that I agree with you.” He smiled as I nodded.

I remembered this conversation between me and Niall from the time I stayed with him when he had fever.

My views on true love were the same like before. I believed it earlier when I was with Niall and I believed it still now. However, what changed was the perception. I was never the kind of person who waited for fate to take its course. I always believed in actions and deeds. Since that day when I met Niall at the Music World and became a victim of his crude attitude and derision, I’ve decided not to stay gloomy and upset any more. I decided to listen to Rita’s advice and consider Aarav if something was meant to happen. I was just 20 and true love could be found again. If not with Aarav then maybe with someone else but I couldn't linger on Niall any more. I couldn't understand firstly how on earth did he contact Tina, Monica and Zaid to go out with them and secondly, he appeared happy without me. At least, the humiliating ridicule demonstrated that. He would gradually return to his smiling and joyous self once he returns to Manchester while I would be left all alone here forever if I miss out on my chances. Everyone I knew around me had their own families. They had their own responsibilities and I knew that no matter how much they loved and cared about me, their own people would obviously come first. I on the other hand had no one with me. My desire to leave the city and my apartment were still burning alive in my heart but no matter where I went and how much I ran, the prospect of living alone forever eventually frightened me. Aarav being Rita’ cousin and Rita being my best friend, the idea of choosing him appeared sane. I was back being the confronter and that version of me encouraged me to shake off all the pains and firmly think about the future.

Today was Sunday and I was going out for dinner with Aarav. I wasn't excited because I asked him out more from anger than will but I was definitely looking forward to having a fun filled and relaxing time. I spent the morning like I usually do by watching television while having breakfast and later watching movies online. I had a plain meal of rice, dal and a vegetable curry in lunch before I thumped myself back on the couch browsing through television channels. I fixed at Zee Café as Grey’s Anatomy was on.  I propped up on my elbow and watched the show.

After two episodes were finished, I peered at the wall-clock to see that it was 3.45 Pm. I sat up and stretched my arms preparing to go to my room and start with my work assignments. At this time, Aarav called.

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