Chapter 47

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My father always encouraged and taught me and my sister to do two things in life, firstly; follow our dreams and secondly; listen to our hearts. However, my sister never was into the second suggestion. She believed in listening to the mind over heart because to her logics were useful and beneficial in the long run other than emotions. With the turmoil in my life increasing with every breath of mine, listening to her advice seemed sane and correct to me right now. I was in a dilemma of whether to accept the closure fully that I myself demanded from Niall and move on with Aarav or refuse it and stick with being hopelessly in love with Niall having no future whatsoever at the end. Even though anyone would choose the first option and find this dilemma a total nonsense I knew how miserably I was struggling to choose one. I liked Aarav and if given a chance maybe I’d fall for him too but with Niall in my mind, heart and most importantly in the city all the time, I couldn't just push him back. I couldn't forget the memories he gave me in three months. Sometimes it stunned me how quickly everything happened and I lost my heart to him but with my soul knowing always that it was right, I didn't feel the time flying away so early all this while.

Choosing Aarav seemed right both to my mind and heart but there was this tiny percent of my heart that fought for Niall. It was this teeny percent that created such a big dilemma. I have been pondering over it since the day I came home after spending the previous night at Niall’s house. The morning after that night was strangely harmonious with me leaving without even brushing my teeth unlike the earlier times. He didn't force me but when I asked him if he would keep his promise of taking care of himself, he agreed thus confirming his approval from the previous night. With me confessing about Aarav to him and him giving me closure, things got hugely uncomfortable between us. Therefore, we had nothing much to say to each other. But I remember the last conversation.

“Can I call or send you text messages sometimes?” Niall asked as I wore my shoes.

I paused for awhile before retorting,” Ahhmm…..if you do that as a friend then sure.”

“I've seen and understood that you don’t want me as nothing more than a friend hence; I’ll not cross the line.” He replied as I opened the door.

His answer crumbled me but I didn't want to break the order of balance between us thus; I just nodded.

“Good luck with him…..I wish you all the happiness of the world.” He smiled as I exited his apartment.

“Thank you and I wish the same too.” I smiled back.                     


“Bye-bye.” I responded as I turned around to leave.

The reminder of this conversation between me and Niall urged me more to go for Aarav and fearlessly accept the closure. It was painfully difficult for me but I listened to Jenny’s suggestion over my father’s and decided to give Aarav a chance. I decided to choose the easier path to happiness even if it meant the loss of my real soul.

With this decision, I planned to take the first step. It was around 4.30 Pm and I was about to start with my today’s work assignments. I grabbed my mobile and dialled Aarav’s number. After five rings, he picked it up.

“Hey” He said.

“Hi, busy?” I asked.

“Fortunately, no.” He laughed softly.

“Great. Ahmm…..I kind of wanted to ask you something.”

“Ya, sure. Go ahead.”

I swallowed before inquiring,” I was thinking of inviting you for dinner at my house tonight.”

Stay with Me (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن