Chapter 45

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It’s been two days since Aarav left me near my building and walked away. It’s been indescribably painful for me to manage without talking to him. The emptiness that was created in my life due to the absence of Niall was somehow starting to fill from Aarav’s companionship. Now, with his absence the pain seemed unbearable. I was back being lonely and to be honest, even more pathetic than that. My heart was tramped under the footsteps of crude twists of life. I was now in quest of just any sign of hope that would help me regroup the broken pieces and somehow survive and maybe in the future move on. From what I saw in Aarav’s facial expression and sensed in his tone that day, it occurred quite certain to me that he wouldn’t be coming back considering we had known each other for only a little longer than a week. When I thought from his perspective, his anger did appear to be just. It wasn’t false that I was trying my hard to focus on him, consider him over Niall and his well-settled life played a big part in influencing me to whatever level I was influenced. Had I been in his place I would’ve have behaved in the same manner like him. However, I was sure about one thing as well and that was my genuine interest in pursuing the beautiful friendship I developed with him. I used to have a lot of ‘friends’ at one point of time in my life only to discover later that they were fake hence; I’ve now learnt to treasure my friends. I almost lost Rita once after our feud over me getting fired from Marvin’s but I won her back. I didn’t want to lose her cousin too because alike Rita, his friendship mattered to me a lot as well.

“Hello, Aarav? I just called you to say that I’m sorry yet again. My intention wasn’t to hurt you at all. Please, please call me. I feel so lonely.” I said and hung up.

That was the twelfth voicemail I sent to Aarav in these two days. I also called him fifteen times and left him ten text messages. However, all went in vain because he didn’t respond to any of them. I didn’t lose hope though and decided to call him again after I finished writing my work assignments for today. I took a glimpse at the wall-clock and saw that it was 4.30 Pm. Following my regular actions of fetching a chilled water bottle from the refrigerator and turning off the television, I walked to my room and occupied the chair before my computer table. I logged into my gmail account as I received the four written work assignments. Even though my head was extremely trafficked with everything that has been happening in my life lately, the magazine didn’t see any reason obviously to cut down my pressures. Therefore, I had to carry on with my reputation of producing good piece of writings and editing no matter what.

“Top 10 best looks to wear on beach.” I typed on the blank page of MS-Word as I commenced to write the first topic.

For the next four hours, I used all my focus to prepare four articles of the quality I’m known to deliver. I was quite exhausted mentally which drained me physically as well hence; the idea of making dinner tired me off. I walked to the kitchen reluctantly and looked into the upper cabinets to find quite a lot of instant noodles still present. I was bored of consuming them but I still ate them for two reasons, firstly, it took the least time and secondly, it reminded me of Niall and how we used to literally survive on them. I liked having that piece of him even if it meant as a little reminder. I moved towards the couch and sat on it as I turned on the television. I simply browsed through the channels while checking on my mobile after every few seconds hoping Aarav would call or send a text message. After changing through the channels, I decided to just stop doing it as nothing was entertaining me. Just then my mobile started to ring. I grabbed it excitedly only to witness someone completely unexpected calling. My eyes became wide-apart and mouth wide-open seeing Greg’s number flashing on the screen. I got all panicky and couldn’t assemble the courage to pick up the call. The certain reason that popped in my head for his call was to convince me to get back with his brother and I wasn’t at all ready to get into any form of discourse with him. Therefore, I let it ring. He called again and then again and then three more times but I still couldn’t assemble the courage to talk to him. At this moment, I got a text message. I opened it to see that it was from Greg. I read it.

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