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Alexander's POV

Having Laila in the house with me alone makes me extremely impatient. She looks absolutely gorgeous, the presence she holds is the whiff of innocence and naivety.

My mind is urging me to quicken the pace of my plan, make her end up in my grasps faster. But I cannot risk frightening her away, I want my kitten to fall right into my plan without disturbances.

"I would like to talk to you about something, Ms. Khan." I say.

I can tell she's in a hurry to leave. She's not used to being in such a luxurious place. Everything about this situation is making her uncomfortable.

I've made her more nervous with that. She takes another sip of her water.

"Y-yes, of course." She stutters.

"I have had someone look through your school records and I'm very impressed. You're a talented student, it seems like you enjoy the topic you're studying." I give her one of my more persuading smiles, which is working as I see her breathing fasten.

"Thank you! Yes, I love my area of study. Psychology is something I've always been intrigued by. The study of the human behaviour is truly fascinating. And—" Her tone of voice changes, it's filled with much more passion and life. I can listen to her talk all the time. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to chatter on about this." She quickly covers her mouth to stop herself from saying anything further.

I look at her trying to not to let her excitement impact me, I'm not easily affected. However, I could not hold back my need to chuckle.  She's absolutely intriguing. "No, no, it is quite alright. You look delightful when you are talking passionately."

I notice my change to a softer attitude has started to make her feel a type of way. She's becoming more comfortable with me.

Quickly, I change my expression to a more stern look. "There is something else I noticed."

"Yes?" She asks, looking clearly petrified.

And the game begins here. You're going to be mine, kitten. 

• • •

Laila's POV

"Your student loans." He doesn't explain any further.

I look at him with a confused look, "Sir?"

He sighs, "Your student loans are piling up. From the calculations I did, it will take you decades to pay it off, especially now that you're going to move onto your PhD studies. Congratulations on the approval of your thesis, by the way. Your work on mental and physical trauma is quite astonishing."

"Thank you. I understand, hopefully my earnings increase every year so—wait, sorry, could you please repeat that?" My heart drops. Did I hear him say my thesis was approved?

He raises a brow, "Repeat the part about...?"

"My thesis. You said my thesis has been approved."

"Yes, it has. It says on your file you are now a PhD candidate." He says casually.

I jump up from my seat, "Are you sure you read correctly, Mr. Romano?"

He stands up as well and takes a few careful steps closer to me. "I've read your file twice, so yes, I'm positive."

I couldn't contain my excitement. "Alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah)!" I smile so wide that my cheeks begin to feel numb.

My excitement takes a step too far and I unintentionally grab Mr. Romano's hand, almost jumping off of my feet, "I did it! Oh my God, I did it!"

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