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Laila's POV

"Don't." I shake my head. "Don't make yourself out to be someone who doesn't deserve any care and affection."

Alex doesn't say anything. He just slightly nods and steps out of the closet. "I'll order something for us to eat and bring it upstairs. You can freshen up."

"That's a great idea." I smile.

He closes the door behind him and I sigh. How do we get on a path of reconstructing our relationship if Alex refuses to learn to love himself?

If Alex doesn't learn to accept his past and move forward, then there will always be instability in our relationship. We would never be able to mend anything because there will always be that small part of Alex that makes him experience the tragedy over and over again.

• • •

After taking a shower, I change into pyjamas and put away my scarf. I tie my hair up in a loose ponytail after drying my hair and make my way to the bed.

I'm exhausted but extremely hungry.

Right on queue, Alex walks in with bags of food, which instantly lights up my mood.

"I bought Italian for dinner, is that okay?" He asks.

"Yes! That's wonderful!" I say excitedly.

He places it on the small table in our room and I make my way to the couch. We ate and talked about work for 20 whole minutes.

I didn't want to talk about work but it seems like Alex didn't want to talk about anything else so I didn't push it.

After cleaning up, I asked Alex if he'd like to just head to bed early. He agreed and went to change out of his clothes. I wasn't expecting him to come out of the closet without a shirt but it's Alex, what else did I expect? For him to come out fully clothed?

My cheeks start heating up because I haven't... seen him like this in a while.

This man, right here, makes me feel like I'm flying above the clouds every time I see him. Love can either be the high of your life or the sole thing that destroys you.

I've been through both and I cherish the emotion a lot more when it's making me feel like I'm invincible.

To be honest, I've never imagined myself with someone as striking as Alex. I always thought I'd find a regular man, with a regular job, and have a regular life. There was nothing wrong with that, that was my dream.

This is probably extremely haram to mention but Alex literally looks like a depiction of a Greek god, like those charmingly, gorgeous men that are in mythical paintings.

Looking at him makes me blush uncontrollably but I just can't stop. This gorgeous man is mine and in all likelihood, I look close to mediocre beside him.

I'm not a very insecure person. I have a... healthy amount of insecurity within me. Sometimes, times like this, I wonder if Alex would prefer someone as gorgeous as Olivia if I wasn't involved...

"Like what you see?" Alex smirks.

"I do." I blurt out and instantly regret it.

Alex raises his brows in surprise. "The hospital visit has made you very bold, Mrs. Romano."

"It has, hasn't it?" I giggle.

"I don't mind." He winks, making my stomach do a 360° flip. "Do you want to watch something on tv before going to sleep?"

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