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Laila's POV

Dr. Romano lets go of me as he clears his throat and leaves the room, leaving me with Olivia. What an a-hole move.

"Olivia, it's not what it looks like." What do I say? Oh my God, what do I say?

"You two are... engaged?" She takes a sit in the chair in front of the bed.

"No! We are not engaged." I explain to her what happened at Ayesha's engagement party.

"Oh... my heart literally dropped to my stomach for a second. I know this sounds crazy but just now, I thought Alex somehow managed to get you engaged to him and you had to deal with him sleeping with me without being able to say anything. I felt sick for a second." I can see the clear relief on her face knowing that she's not part of some psychotic plan of his.

"I would not let that happen. I would never put you in such a situation." I place my hand on hers.

"You're so sweet, Laila. How could you think about me instead of yourself in a situation like that?" She gives me a hug. "That asshole really left you here to explain all this by yourself?" She crinkles her eyebrows in irritation.

"Maybe confrontation isn't his thing?" I suggest.

She rolls her eyes. "Or he likes putting people in uncomfortable situations."

I agree with that much more than my suggestion.

"Can I just say something... I think Alex has gotten the hots for you. I've seen the way he looks at you while you're not looking at work or how he held you just a few minutes ago." She smirks. "I'm not telling you to pursue this because honestly, Alex is a piss off but I'm just letting you know."

She holds my hands in a soft grip. "He's not much of a relationship person, he's a big man-whore to be honest. The biggest man-whore I know. He'll break your heart multiple times without thinking of the consequences so please be careful around him."

I didn't know what to say.

Do I thank her for her advice?

Do I tell her there's nothing going on? That'll be a lie. Even I'm not that naive enough to think there's nothing going on.

So I just nod.

"I think this is inspiring me to get out of my no-strings-attached relationship with Alex and get into an actual relationship with someone who'll love and cherish me. Laila, you're always helping me in the most random ways." Olivia giggles. "Lets go back. We have a lot of paperwork to finish for the conference."

• • •

The second we landed, we were taken away to a huge suite. I didn't have a chance to explore it since I was tired from the flight. Olivia shares a room with me because she prefers not sleeping alone. I didn't mind, it was nice that we kept each other company in a foreign country, I felt more comfortable like this.

We ended up falling asleep within 10 minutes of reaching the hotel.

The conference started the next morning. The two days for the conference were busier than I thought it would be.

Dr. Romano and Olivia gave very knowledgeable speeches about their respected fields of medicine. There was talks about new research, medicine and technologies in the medical field. I didn't expect to be so interested in it but I couldn't help but be amused. These people are smart smart.

The third day, Olivia took me out to explore a bit more of the city, while Dr. Romano stayed in to do work. I asked him to join us but he said he'd join us the next day.

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