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A/N: sorry if I haven't been replying to comments like I used to! Midterm exams/assignments for my courses start in February so I've been scrambling to catch up on work. 😢

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Laila's POV

"Where are you taking me?" I ask, though I'm clearly afraid of the answer.

"Does it matter?" He asks me as he tugs me behind him.

Yes, technically, it does matter because I would prefer not walking into my death so quickly.

"I guess not anymore..." I sigh.

He opens a door and we end up in a room with a table set up with some food for us. I would never complain about food, especially when I haven't eaten for over eight hours because of stress.

Let's hope my outfit isn't trying to rip open from eating too much.

I happily take my seat and serve myself some biryani onto my plate, along with some curry, salad, and a few other things.

"Enjoying the food, Mrs. Romano?" He asks as he pours me a glass of water.

Mrs. Romano, what a weird title to have. Never did I imagine because Mrs. Romano when I first met him. I mean, yes, I did crush on him, and maybe fell for him harder than I should have but being Mrs. romano was never on my agenda.

It's odd hearing him call me that, I don't feel uncomfortable just a little... unnatural.

I look up to see that he isn't eating. He's just smirking at me as I'm carefully stuffing my face, trying not to ruin my makeup or outfit.

"I am enjoying the food. But are you not going to eat? We're going to be here for a while..." I say.

He shakes his head, "No, you can continue."

Come to think of it, he hasn't said anything since I've started eating. I'm almost done eating as well. It's making me feel a little uneasy.

"Are you sure, Dr. Romano? Do you not like this?" I ask, trying to create conversation.

"I think I should finally give you permission to call me by my first name, don't you think? It would be extremely odd for people to hear you call me by my profession's name." He suddenly says.

I don't answer him. I'm not sure what to say. Is this a trick question? I remember his one rule: don't do or say anything he hasn't given permission for, otherwise, there'll be consequences.

Calling him Mister or Doctor is something Sophie has strictly enforced on me since the beginning. I cannot call him anything else until he says so.

"If you'd like me to call you by your first name, there should not be any issue." I pick my words carefully.

"I'm impressed with your well-thought of answer. This is the behaviour I expect from you. Compliance and submission is key." He states.

I've noticed, the only way he keeps his sanity is through control. The second he starts losing control of a situation, he loses control of his own sanity.

I pat my lips with a napkin and stand up from my chair. I push the chair back in and begin to walk towards the door to join everyone else in the hall.

"Wait." He says. "I did not say we could leave yet."

Of course I would not make it out without a scene from him.

He wraps his arms around my waist. "I shouldn't hear any more complaints now that we're married."

"Dr. Romano... I—" my protests come naturally. It's become a habit, marriage or not.

Beautifully Disturbed | ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ