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A/N: Whenever I don't upload/upload late, please check my message board! I usually let you guys know why I'm late on there. ☺️

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Laila's POV

"Yes, but that scan of his brain didn't show any signs of that. I think you're looking into..." Alex's voice disappears into the house.

I sit in the car awkwardly for an extra few seconds, not sure what to do until my door suddenly opens.

"Sophie! What are you doing here?" I ask surprised and quite relieved.

"I left the venue a little early to set up your things at home and I'm here to help you settle in." She smiles as she helps me out of the car.

My heavy dress isn't making this anymore comfortable than it should be. I struggle to balance myself and not trip as I try to make my way up the stairs.

Sophie holds up the trail of my dress so I can watch my steps.

"What's the button for?" I ask Sophie as she clicks a button on the wall beside a door.

She looks at me as if I'm already supposed to know what it is. "It's a button for the elevator... I thought you knew this house had one?"

"I—what! No way!" I'm sure I look extremely surprised. The elevator door looks well hidden as in it looks like it's for just another room.

This house had an elevator all along? I could've avoided walking up and down the stairs this whole time? How very selfish of Alex for not telling about this luxury for someone as lazy as me.

"Lucky for you and your heavy dress, this elevator will make our trip to your room easier." Sophie beams.

The elevator is on the smaller end, barely fitting Sophie and I. My dress being so big and puffy isn't helping either. Sophie tucks in my dress and makes sure my it isn't going to get stuck.

A few seconds later, the elevator dings to let us know we made it.

The elevator led us right into Alex's room. I've never seen the door before because it's tucked away in the corner of the room.

"It looks like Sir is using the washroom. You can get changed up in the closet. I left out some nightwear for you." Sophie was about to point at the closet door but stops herself. "But I'm sure I don't need to tell where the closet is because you're familiar with it already." She smirks trying to tease me.

My cheeks slightly blush but I nod anyways. "Thank you, Sophie."

"You're very welcome, Mrs. Romano." She winks. "I think this is where I head home. I've completed my tasks to help you settle in. Have a great night, Mrs. Romano." Sophie gives me a firm hug and leaves.

I sigh as I watch her leave me alone with Alex. I make my way into the closet and close the door behind me, locking it.

It looks like Sophie has already taken out my clothes from my luggage and put them away in its rightful places.

I look at the pyjamas Sophie left out for me on the middle island. How did she choose this out of everything. "My panda pyjama bottoms..." The ones I was wearing when I caught Alex with...

I shake my head to clear my thoughts. Nope, not tonight, Laila. You don't want a headache before bedtime, I tell myself.

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