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A/N: I'm posting this an hour and half early bc I'm busy today & will probably forget later! 🤣 Enjoy!

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Alexander's POV

"James? What are you doing here? How did you even get in?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Does it matter?" He rolls his eyes. "You gave me an extra key years ago, remember?"


"What the hell did you do to Laila?" He goes straight to the point.

"Why the fuck do you care?" This time, I roll my eyes.

He scoffs. "I've known her longer than you have, Alex. Cut the bullshit and tell me why did you fuck her over?"

I shrug. "Because I got bored of her."

"I cannot believe you! I thought she was the one for you! I thought you'd finally found the one who'd care for you and I know I was right. But you had to screw it over, didn't you?" He's gritting his teeth in anger.

"What's your problem?" I ask with irritation.

"My problem? What's my problem? You're on the edge of death, Alex. You've been suppressing all the fucked up things that's ever happened to you and created a ticking time bomb. You're the time bomb, Alex. I'm scared you'll blow up to pieces any fucking second!"

"What does this have to do with her?" I ask, trying to keep my temper down.

"She loves you, cares for you, wants to protect you. Hell, she'd be ready to jump in front of a moving train for you. And you broke her!" James' voice gets louder.

"Whatever! Fuck that. I don't want her anymore, why can't everyone just accept that? It's nothing new." My hands now curled into fists.

"Bullshit! I'm not fucking stupid. I've been your best friend for two decades. You're afraid because she got too close to you. You're afraid she might actually mean something to you but it's too late, isn't it?" He gives a sad laugh. "Because she already means something so you take the first chance you get to push her away as far as you can."

I don't answer him and that's all he needed.

He sighs. "It's okay to push people away sometimes. Hell, I don't even blame you because you've been through a never ending storm, I know it's tough."

I stiffen. "You don't know shit."

"You're right. I don't know how exactly you feel because I'm not you. I haven't been through anything remotely close to what you went through. But I do know that it's extremely rare for someone to come back no matter how many times you push them away."

He's telling me almost exactly what Laila said.

"And when they come back, hold them close to you and don't even think about letting go. You know exactly who I'm talking about, but just in case you're a complete idiot, I'm talking about Laila. When times get tough, she'll be your anchor and she will make up for all those people who never came back because one Laila is worth a million people." He tries searching for any hint of understanding within me.

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