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A/N: just thought I'd remind you guys that my updates will become slower starting today bc I have to focus on school! I hope you understand!

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Laila's POV

The driver drops us off at the Hilltop Fortress Vyšehrad. There's a table set up at the tip of the hill where you can see all of Prague. The table has a candle set up on it with two plates and eating utensils.

The sun is setting, making the the scenery of looking down at Prague even more beautiful. Everything is o quiet and peaceful up here. I can sit up here for hours and just watch the city settle into the night.

He pulls out one of the chairs for me to sit in.

He takes a seat opposite to me. "What do you think?"

"It's beautiful! How did you manage all of this?"

"I rented the area out tonight... just for you." He says as he pours me a glass of water.

I can bet that my eyes are shining because of how touched I am. "I'm so grateful. Thank you so much for this. I'll cherish this moment for the rest of my life."

He raises a brow. "It isn't that spectacular... just a dinner."

"Are you kidding me?" My tone becomes informal because of how he thinks this is casual. "A dinner overlooking a whole city isn't just a normal dinner. This is absolutely insane! I couldn't ask for a better way to the spend my last night here." I couldn't stop smiling.

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Alexander's POV

It's just a dinner. Not a big deal. It's not as if I gifted her anything expensive. Sure, renting this place out cost me thousands but it isn't diamonds or luxury items. It surely couldn't have wowed her that much.

I thought this would be peaceful way to spend the night, away from all the city noise, away from stress, just away.

Yet, to her this dinner became something she seems to hold close to her heart. Her smile is brightest I've ever seen in her. Her eyes are twinkling like the stars on a clear night.

"If you'd like, I can provide you with such scenic lunches or dinners whenever you please." I say. It's true, I can arrange wherever she dreams of.

"Oh, no! I could never ask for such a thing. Though that is a wonderful offer and I'm extremely grateful, I think I'd pass. I couldn't let you go through so much trouble." She thanks me.

If it were any of the other women I offered this to, they wouldn't have only taken me up on this but would have asked for more.

Seeing her so alive and delighted over such a small things stirs unusual emotions within, something unfamiliar yet warm.

I reach over to to Laila's lips to wipe away a stain in the corner of her lips. Then, I begin to trace her soft lip lightly with the tip of my finger. She freezes, like she always does, not knowing how to react. Her lips pout slightly, making the intensity within me grow. I have the urge to crash my lips onto hers, kiss it, bite it, taste it, lose myself in them.

I want to wrap my arms around her, hold her close to me just to listen to her gentle breathing, just to feel her steady heart beat against mine. I want to hold her as we fall into a peaceful slumber in each other's arms.

These thoughts have never crossed my mind. I'm not the type to think of intimacy other than sex. My business with women are simple: use them, dispose of them, and repeat. Emotional attachments are not for me, it's better for me to stay away from such attachments.

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