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Laila's POV

Alex clearly has a physical advantage: he's taller and more built than the other guy.

He shoves the guy against the wall. "She asked you to leave, didn't she?"

"You touch one part of me and I can have your doctor's license suspended." The guy threatens him.

"I don't fucking care!" Alex raises his fists to punch him.

My eyes widen. I would think that his license suspension would be his biggest fear because of how much he loves his job.

The anger I had holed up inside of me, suddenly melts away. It's almost weirdly comforting to know he cares for me enough to risk such a huge title.

As I watch his fist fly down, and make contact with the guy's face, a sudden thought popped up in my head. Alex's hands, he can't injure his hands.

"Alex! Stop!" He stops right before his hand made contact with the guy's face a second time.

I run towards them and I grab Alex's hand. "It's not worth it."

"Listen to your pretty whore." The guy gives a revolting smirk.

"You shit—" Alex didn't get a chance to finish because I pull him back using his shoulders.

The guy takes this chance to run away from us. He seriously has a big mouth but no guts.

I grab Alex's hand and flip it over to check if there's any injuries. It's just slightly red, he'll be fine with some medication.

I sigh a breath of relief. "You can't be this careless. You're a surgeon, you need your hands to be in one piece."

He doesn't say anything. I know he's just staring at me, I can feel it. I don't look up at him because if I do, the fluttering feeling in my stomach would explode.

I caress his hand, checking if he flinches. "Does it hurt?" I ask.

"No." He finally answers.

I look up at him and instantly notice his softer eyes. Oh, how much I love his eyes.

I knit my eyebrows together when I notice a small bruise around his mouth area.

From instinct, I reach up to touch the corner of his lip, brushing it with my fingers. "How did this happen?"

He looks away.


"Did James do this to you?" I ask.

"I deserved it." He mumbles.

"I guess I can't argue with that." I smirk. "We need to get you to the hospital so they can have a look at your knuckles." I suggest.

"It's fine, trust me." He reassured me.

"I don't trust you." I frown. "Come on, I'll drive you." I start walking towards my car.

"Laila... I wait," he calls me in a soft tone.

"Hm?" I turn around to look at Alex but my eyes catch a glimpse of someone else behind him. My heart drops to the pit of my stomach.

The creep of a guy is coming up from behind Alex, holding a long wooden cane-like stick.

"Alex! Behind you!" I ran as fast as my feet could take me.

I jump in front of Alex and the cane just as he was about to strike.

The force of his swinging was so hard, that once the cane hit my back, it broke into two pieces. At first I didn't feel anything, the adrenaline coursing through my veins, halted the pain for the first few seconds.

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