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Laila's POV

"Assalamualikum (hello), Ammi, Abbu, and Ayesha." I look at the three tombstones and sigh. "So, your daughter is finally going to be doctor! I'm now a PhD candidate! I hope I'm doing you guys proud." I smile.

However, my smile doesn't last long. I frown thinking about Dr. Romano. "On another note, I took a really well paying job. This is really going to help Maryam and I live more comfortably. But I don't think I made the right decision. I don't know. I'm so confused and lost. I wish you were here." I small tear rolls down my eyes.

My thoughts are interrupted by a phone call from Maryam.


"Hey, I'm just calling to make sure you're okay." Maryam says.

"Yes, I'm fine." I lie. "I just finished up my visit to my family."

"Aw, okay. That's good. See you at home, then!" She says.

"Okay, bye!" I hang up.

I look at the tombstones again, "I'll see you next week and will bring more updates about my life with me." I give them a sad smile.

• • •

"Ya Allah! I'm shocked you're in one piece after that!" Maryam's eyes widen.

"Me too." I agree.

"It's ironic how you were on your way to the hospital. Life just works out sometimes." She tries to lighten the mood.

"Weird, huh?" I say.

"Honestly, I'm not shocked Mr. Romano turned out to be a doctor. He kind of gave off that vibe but being a whole surgeon of neurology and chief physician at this age is totally unbelievable." She says. "I'm just not sure why he would want you to work for him when you two are in polar opposite medical fields."

Then, Maryam starts chewing on her bottom lip. It's something she does when she begins deep thinking about something. "Okay, don't yell at me for this but... do you think he's... he might be into you?"

I jump to my defence way too quickly. "No way!"

Maryam smirks. "So that's a maybe. I see..."

"Maryam!" I whine.

"Sorry, sorry! Something about this man, it just seems off. Be careful, okay?" Maryam pats my arm.

I nod. I haven't told her what happened in his office. I remember him saying there would be consequences, not only for me, if I upset him. I'm not bringing Maryam into this.

"It's cool that you'll get to learn and see how the field of medical surgery works now. You're a fast learner, you'll probably pick up some knowledge of surgeries." Maryam smiles.

"Yes, that is cool, isn't it?" I agree.

"Oh!" She face palms herself. "I almost forgot! My mom's friend is holding an engagement party for her daughter and her fiancé. It's next weekend."

I groan. "You know how I hate parties with aunties? They're all going to ask if we're still single and how we're getting old and will never find a man."

Maryam shrugs. "We'll just tell them we're lesbians and to be married. That should shut them up."

"Maryam!" I burst into laughter. "Maybe that isn't a bad idea."

"Everyone at the event would pass the hell out." She begins giggling. "I mean, sure, my mother would bury me alive and pretend she never had a daughter in the first place but it would be fun!"

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