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Laila's POV

I grab onto his arm with one hand for support and steer away the car to the side with the other. Luckily, the highway isn't rushy today or else who knows how many people would've gotten hurt.

I quietly read Ayatul Kursi* and thank Allah for keeping everyone out of harm's length.

The adrenaline in my veins is very much alive, there's beads of sweat forming on my forehead, and my heart is pounding from the event.

"Fuck!" Mr. Romano slams his hands onto the steering wheel. "What the fuck." He's losing is temper very quickly. His reaction is a mix of shock, panic attack, and anger.

I think back to everything I learned at school. All the sessions I went through to learn to deal with client outbursts.

"Sir? Sir, can you hear me? Mr. Romano?" He's not answering.

Allah, please forgive me for what I have to do next, I say to myself in my head.

I take a deep breath and take Mr. Romano's hands, which are formed into tight fists, onto my hands. "Sir, look at me. Please, Mr. Romano. I need you to look at me."

I analyze the situation. His breathing is uneven, he's looking ahead and will not look at me because he knows he's extremely unstable right now. He's aware of his violent outburst and trying to bring it under control but is failing to do so.

I place my my hands on his cheeks and slowly tilt his head towards me. I tune my voice to a slow pace and lower my tone to transfer my calm state to him.

"Mr. Romano, you're okay. You're alive, you're breathing. Look at me and follow my breathing." I breath in through the nose and out the mouth. He mimics my actions.

I take his hands into mine as I look up at him. His eyes turn from raging dark hazel back to his beautiful light, glowing hazel. His fists loosen in my hands. His breathing now even and stable.

I breathe out in relief, it's working.

For the next part, if this was a counselling session, I would have to explain the situation to him. "I have to let you know that you lost control of the car because of being upset over something, but you're okay and unharmed. Do you understand the situation?"

"Yes, I'm aware." He scans me. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I think so. Do I look okay?" I ask.

"Your hands. They're shaking uncontrollably." He says.

I look down at my hands to see that he's right. I slowly place my hands back on my own lap. "Sorry, I'm just a little shaken up."

"No need to apologize." He sighs as he looks down at his watch. "I'm late for the meeting."

That's it? He's not going to mention anything about the outburst? Or apologize for accusing me of adultery? Sophie wasn't lying when she said I sold my soul to the Devil or is this not what she was talking about...

• • •

I take out my phone and text send Maryam a quick text that says, Almost died, will spill the story once I get home.

Mr. Romano stops the car in front of the doors of the building and the passenger door opens automatically. I get out to see a large hospital building. And then it hits me, this is one of the most well-known and qualified hospitals in the country.

He gives the keys to someone to park the car, I assume.

I looked at him in confusion. "What are we doing here?"

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