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A/N: I'm officially on holiday breaks so updates will come more often! Sorry I didn't post right after finishing my exam! I literally took a nap after for 6 hours bc I was so exhausted. 😭😴

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Laila's POV

I finish reading Fajr nama'az (morning prayers) and look at the calendar, it's October 1st.

I tried my best to look as upbeat and excited as possible but I don't think I'll be able to breathe properly today. I should have paid attention to the dates or else we wouldn't have been having this problem. I'm so stupid!

I couldn't even dress myself appropriately. I'm not able to match my clothes, I can't put on my hijab properly, I'm seconds away from a breakdown.

"Maryam!" I yell her name. On this day, I always feel out of proportion. I become light headed quickly, I feel sick, I'm under the weather, all at once.

Maryam runs into the room. "Are you okay? Do you feel sick? Do you want to nap? Do you want me to call Mr. Romano to tell him?" She asks too many questions at the same time.

"I-I'm fine. It would be extremely rude if I don't s-show up to the first d-day." My voice weak.

"I'll show up for your first day. I'll do whatever needs to be done. You really don't have to do this." Maryam pleads.

I give her sad smile, she always has my back. "I can do this, Maryam. It's been five years, I should be getting better at handling things every year when this day comes along. I feel like I keep getting worst." I whisper.

"Sweetie, no!" Maryam throws her arms around me. "You cannot beat yourself down for this! No one said you have to be getting used to this day every year. This is your family we're talking about, you're not supposed to just be able to take it easy."

I try not to burst into tears as Maryam caresses my back to calm me down.

"You know what?" Maryam says. "You really want to do this and I believe in you. You're a fighter, you'll get through today like the strong woman you are. And remember, whenever you don't feel like you can do it alone, I'll always be here."

I nod enthusiastically. "Thank you. I love you." I brush off my clothes and stand up straight.

"I love you, too." She says. "Now, go out there, tell your boss what needs to be said and get through today with strength!"

Maryam's like my own personal cheerleader or should I say therapist?

"Oh! I forgot, I have to return James' car!" I said, remembering.

"He texted saying you need it today for work so he'll see you on Tuesday at our office for the car." Maryam says.

"Dr. Roberts is a real sweetheart." I try to lighten up the atmosphere.

"Laila, watch your tongue when it comes to my man." Maryam squints her eyes at me, playfully.

"What if I don't want to?" I smirk. Maryam takes a step towards to me pinch but I quickly jog towards the exit door. "Okay, bye!"

"I'll get you when you come back, Laila!" Maryam yells. "Drive safely!" She adds.

• • •

"Ma'am, you're back." Says the same security man I've seen a couple of times already.

"Yes, you'll be seeing me often from now on." I say with as much excitement as possible.

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