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Laila's POV

Did I kind of, sort of, miss him?


Am I going to admit it just yet?


Also, why does he call me 'Kitten'? Do I look like a cat?


Honestly, you can't blame me for feeling a little alone. It gets a little lonely when you're all by yourself in a huge house. In my own small home, I couldn't feel the loneliness because it was such an intimate space. In fact, I loved spending time by myself.

Here, it's so foreign, it's easy to feel alone.

"Are you hungry?" I ask him, diverting the questing.

He still has his arms wrapped around me from the back. He places his head on my shoulder blade, rocking me side to side.

"No, I ate." He says.

"Oh." I have too. But I'm hungry again. Do I tell him? Do I wait until he falls asleep to eat? But there's nothing to eat. Isn't he going to ask me if I ate? Ugh, I hate this.

"Can I ask you something?" I think about how Maryam told me to ask about the honeymoon.

He turns me around to face him, his arms still around my waist. "Mhm?"

"I was thinking... are we going to, uh—never mind." I couldn't do it. How do I ask about going on a honeymoon if our relationship isn't something real or honeymoon-worthy?

"I don't like incomplete sentences, Laila." He says in an irritated tone. "Tell me what you have to say."

"Did you plan—I mean, would you want to go for a trip somewhere? I feel like both of us deserve some time off after—"

"Do you mean a honeymoon?" He smirks. "Is Mrs. Laila Romano feeling a little... aroused?"

Why did he have to use the word aroused and make me so uncomfortable?

"Honeymoon isn't the word I was looking for... I thought we could use a few days off of work to relax." I try to hide my embarrassed face.

"Why? Why not call it a honeymoon?" His voice is raspy.

He nuzzles his nose in my neck, slightly tickling me, making me giggle.

Gradually, my smile turns into a frown. "Because honeymoons are for newly weds who are in love and flourishing. W-we might be newly weds but... but there's no emotions between us for there to be any...real excitement."

"Is that what you think? I can't excite you? I can't make you horny? I can't turn you on because there's no emotions?" His voice is dangerously low and gruff.

He digs his knee in between my legs, making contact with my intimate part. This sudden action makes jolts shoot up my whole body. I've never been touched like this before.

I shouldn't have said that! What was I thinking? Why did I say that? I ruined it, I should've left the conversation the way it was.

I try to push him off of me with no success. He squirms his knee around, making me gasp.

"I-I'm sorry, Alex. I d-didn't mean to offend you. I just..." I don't know what I was trying to do.

His eyes aren't the sparkly hazel anymore. They're dark, they almost always turn black when he's upset.

"You seem pretty excited now, Kitten. Do you really want to challenge the level of excitement you feel around me?" He moves his hands down the curves of my body.

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