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Laila's POV

"Laila! I see that Alex already has you running around." He laughs.

"Haha... Yes, life just got ten times busier." I try to look normal.

We chatter while in the elevator. He's here to go out for lunch with Dr. Romano.

I asked him why he never told me about Dr. Romano's exceptional achievements. He apologized and told me that he didn't want me to freak out when I was near Dr. Romano because he knew my anxiety grew near people who are seen as higher ups.

The elevator dings to let us know we reached the 10th floor. As we walk towards Dr. Romano's office, James pokes fun at me.

"I'm pretty sure if I told you, you would have passed out." James try to stifle his chuckle.

"Why does everyone think I'm going to pass out over the smallest of things?" I pout.

"Because you're one of those people who's literally scared of upsetting a stranger, so a big shock like Alex would've surely made you pass out." He laughs.

I couldn't help but start giggling. He's right, I would've found Dr. Romano even more intimidating, if that's possible, if I knew from before.

I realize this is the first time I genuinely laughed since waking up this morning. It filled me with such positive energy, a feeling that has been sucked right out of my soul today.

"James." I hear Dr. Romano's voice.

The moment I look at him, the wide smile that was on my face disappears fairly quickly.

"Alex! Ready to go?" James asks excitedly.

"Yeah, just give me a minute. Ms. Laila, could you come inside for a bit?" Dr. Romano asks.

Help me, James! I scream internally. I nod and follow him inside.

"I don't like it when you speak to James with such... comfort." He says.

"Pardon me?" I'm flabbergasted.

"I am not going to repeat myself." His tone filled with annoyance.

"You can't have her not talk to me comfortably. I'm literally her other boss." James' voice comes from the door. He peaks his head through the door. "Technically, I'm her first boss so I'm more important than you." He smirks.

"James!" Dr. Romano's warns James to speak further.

"Man, I don't care what you say. I'm still first when it comes to the both of us." He shrugs his shoulders. "I'm starving. Leave poor Laila alone so she can also finally get an hour away from you and eat lunch in peace."

I look afraid for James life but I notice that Dr. Romano doesn't seem to take James comments as offensive. He simply rolls his eyes and grabs his suit from his chair and walks out the door.

"See you at work tomorrow, Laila" James winks at me, making me smile. He seriously saved me from a whole scene.

• • •

It's the end of the day and I pack up my things to go go home.

Dr. Romano didn't have much time to say much to me for the rest of the day. In fact, he was so busy that he barely saw me at all after lunch, which I appreciated.

"Are you coming back tomorrow?" Olivia asks right before I was about to step out of the building.

I shake my head. "I work part-time. I'm here Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays."

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