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A/N: In psychology, we learnt that sometimes trigger warnings don't help lol but I'm warning y'all anyways.

🚫 The material ahead contains sensitive information that may be offensive or triggering for individuals. Please read at your own risk. 🚫

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Laila's POV

"Don't d-d-do this, A-A-Alex..." I beg him.

It's not that he didn't want to hear me, he couldn't hear me. He's literally blocked out all sounds out of his hearing, replacing it with all the anger bottled up in him.

The burning rage is hissing through his body like a deadly poison. I can feel his anger pouring out, screeching demanding to be released. The only way to release is in a form of unwanted violence. The wrath has already consumed him, engulfing his moralities and destroying any boundaries. He won't turn back, he's in far too deep to come back around.

He hovers over my body, forcing his kisses onto my neck, biting my untouched skin. I squirm under his body, trying to push him off. But with every push, my hands are beginning to give out, becoming weak because I couldn't handle it anymore.

He crashes his lips onto mine and when I didn't reciprocate his kiss, he bit my lower lip. I yelp out in pain as I taste the rusty blood in my mouth.

"Alex... you don't want to do this... it won't solve anything, please. Please, listen to me." I plead with him.

"I don't fucking care!" He almost growls. "You think of me as a monster and I'll show what kind of fucking monster I am."

He undos his belt and takes off his pants. "It'll be easier on you if you just let me do whatever the fuck I want with this pretty little body of yours."

My body is aching and burning from the way he roughly handled me a few minutes back.

He grabs my shirt at the hem and slides it over my head in one simple motion. It was done so swiftly even I didn't have time to contemplate what was happening. Seconds later he snatches my pyjama bottoms off of my legs and I'm laying in front of him, semi-naked and in the most vulnerable position.

Just as he was about to take off his only piece of clothing that's blocking me from seeing his manhood, I grab his face softly in between my hands.

He stops, studying me for a few seconds.

"Alex, don't! I'm not—you can't do this! This is not the right way to—" but I stop.

And this is when I look at him, really look at him. There's no sign of the Alex I grew to know. He's been replaced with a sinister version of himself. He's staring at me like a cobra seeking its prey, wide eyes as dark as a hazel can become. His handsome features replaced with prominent dark shadows under his eyes. His alluring features now hardened with anger, his cheek bones sharper from the clenching if jaw. There's a glint of malevolence in his eyes. And that's when I realize, I'm looking the actual Devil in the eyes; the Devil in the form of a beautiful human.

My hands still on his cheeks. "Please don't do this to me, don't do this to us." Is the last phrase I say before my mind begins to shut down.

My body goes numb, all the stinging and aching that has been vibrating through my body suddenly couldn't be felt. This is the moment when I realize that he's not going to stop, the only humane part of Alex is lost and isn't coming back tonight.

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