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Laila's POV

As our lips touch, my mind goes blank. I couldn't remember a thing that just happened because I'm so lost in this.

No, no, no! He can't just rip me into shreds and then suddenly want to kiss me like his life depended on it.

This is why I wanted to know what's going on with him. This is exactly why. One day he makes me want to marry him the second time, another day he's making me plan for my own funeral.

I'm confused.

We pull apart from the kiss and I try to read the expression on his face.

Though it's dark, the vague light coming from the projector room gives me enough visibility to see Alex.

"Why are you like this?" Alex whispers so quietly I almost didn't catch it.

"Why am I like what?" I ask softly while placing my head on his chest.

His grasp on me becomes firmer but in a protective way, rather than anything harmful.

He groans. And to my surprise, lets go of me without answering the question.

"Next time, do not be late." He says and leaves me here.

I know I shouldn't dig around for his past. But the more he acts like this, the more my mind goes back to what everyone was saying.

I will find out, even if it kills me because it looks like my death might be destined by the hands of Alexander Romano himself.

• • •

I walk into our room to find Alex on the couch... obviously working on something on his laptop.

I plop down beside him, earning a side-eye from him.

I take a deep breath and contemplate what I'm about to do for another few seconds. It's either this way or the highway. And highway being asking someone else.

"I think it's time for you to tell me because I know it's eating you up inside." I start.

He raises a brow. "What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Spill it." I have never spoken to anyone like this except for Maryam. Never.

I can see the surprise in his eyes for a few seconds before it's covered up by the gloom.

"Tell me." I'm buying a oneway ticket to the afterlife.

"Mind your own fucking business." His typing gets a little more aggressive.

"I think it's healthy for you to just let it out and have someone listen." I suggest.

"Are you trying to make me your patient?" He snorts and not in a way that makes me feel at ease.

I sigh. "I legally and ethically cannot make you my patient using my medical title because I'm married to you, making me too close to the case."

He rolls his eyes. "And?"

"So, lucky for you, you get to tell your wife your problems, just like a normal husband would." I didn't phrase it properly because I just earned a glare from him.

"By normal, I meant like in a normal relationship, don't start twisting it up in your head." I explain myself.

He shuts his laptop a little too loudly.

"This is really unfair. Just because things make you mad easily does not mean you can just let off your steam at me like this." I say.

"I asked you to be quiet, didn't I? I am certain that means no speaking." He snaps.

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