She's cute

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Author POV

- "So how was your date?" Jimin asks Jungkook as he enters the room throwing his blazer on to the couch, whilst sinking into the couch.

- "It wasn't a date" Jungkook argues, as Jimin laughs.

- "Yeah okay" Jimin ridicules, as Jungkook smiles. "Why you smiling?" Jimin asks.

Jungkook takes a long pause before answering..

- "She's cute..."

Author POV on Y/n

You couldn't help but think about the meeting you had with Jungkook. He was so nice and it made your heart flutter, weirdly. You were suddenly cut off from your thoughts as your phone rings and you answer.

- 'Hello?' You answer

- 'Y/n?' a guy says back.

- 'I'm sorry but who is this?' You ask.

- 'Y/n, it's Jang Min Soon, Mrs Jang's son' he replies.

- 'Ohhhhhh, my gosh, Min Soon? So sorry' You say shocked as you feel your heart thumping, aswell as cursing your mother for giving your phone number to him.

- 'No, its alright. How are you? Long time no see' he comments.

- 'Hi, well I'm good, I'm good, just surprised to hear your voice... I'm guessing you're back from America? How are you?' you say, your heart breaking a bit.

- 'Yeahhh, I'm back and I'm good' he replies.

- 'Thats great' you tell him not knowing what to actually say.

- 'Well Y/n, I called to ask as for old times sake, why don't you say we meet up?' He articulates. You were hesitant remembering what Min Soo was to you.

- 'Umm ye-yeah, sure.' You answer, really not wanting to meet up with him but you had already promised your mum.

- 'Perfect, where would you like to meet up?' He asks. Your mind wonders but you could only think of one place.

- 'The cafe next to the station, I'll send the address' you reply.

- 'Alright, I'll see you then.'

- 'Yeah, I'll see you then' you say.

- 'Oh and y/n?' He calls.

- 'Yeah?' You answer

- 'It was really nice hearing your voice' he says as you stand there silently. 'I'll see you soon' he says as he cuts the phone.

'Oh god' you thought.

Two days Later

- "I still don't get why you're meeting up with him" Ha-Ru asks as she lays on you bed as you search frantically for what to wear.

- "I didn't want to meet up with him, but I promised my mother I would and anyways, it's not like I'm going to get back together with him" you say, throwing a towel at Ha-Ru.

- "I know you Y/n! You're going to fall for him again! He already broke your heart by seeing other girls behind your back! What makes you think he won't do the same? You're too nice, so you forgave him and now you're going to fall back in to the same trap" Ha-Ru exclaims.

You look down, remembering that night. A tear escapes your eye. You feel warmth around you as Ha-Ru wraps her arms around you.

- "I love you and I dont want to see you get hurt." Ha-Ru says. "So what YOU are going to do is, you're gonna go on this 'meet-up' and show that piece of shit what he missed!" Ha-Ru says in her dark voice as you just laugh as she then picks a floral midi dress for you to wear.

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