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Author POV

- "More than just a teacher"

You look at him confused, not understanding his words.

- "Wh-what?"

- "You asked what you were to me..." he pauses. "And I just told you" he answers, looking directly into your eyes. You breathe in heavily as his sharp words hit you. "More than just a teacher" he voices again.

You didn't know what to say, you couldn't say anything. He just confessed and you simply couldn't respond.

- "Say something" He demands in a threatening tone.

You stand there in silence, as if you forgot the human language. You look everywhere but at him, trying to comprehend everything.


- "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY JUNGKOOK?" You shout back, shocked at yourself. "Jungkook, what would you like me to say?" You repeat but this time calmly. "You can't just expect an answer from me after barging in here all of a sudden to confess" You tell him.

- "Well I need a fuckin answer y/n" he says aggressively, as you just stare at him in disbelief.

- "I can't just give you an answer so easily Jungkook, this takes time" you tell him.

- "How the fuck does this take time?"

- "Jungkook, I think you've forgotten your occupation! You think I can be with someone that risks people's lives as well as their own?" You question.

He looks over at you, a little understanding of your point.

- "Jungkook, I will ask you this one question" you tell him as you pause for a while as there becomes an intense silence. "Do you by any chance, k-k-ki" you stutter becoming hesitant with your words.

- "Spit it out Y/n" he demands, getting impatient.

- "Kill people?" you ask, as the words finally come out of your mouth.

He just looks at you. His dark eyes creating an eerie environment, as they looked deeply into yours. He stays silent for a second.

- "No."


You take a deep breath out after hearing that, but the fact that he belongs to a gangster group is something you could never get used to.

There was a moment of silence that followed Jungkook's lie. But you couldn't do it. It didnt matter if he made you feel like this woman who seemed worthy or the most special woman when he kissed you. He was dedicated to illegal business which you could never see yourself being involved in.

- "No" you finally answer.

- "What?" He asks, hoping that 'no' wasn't what he thought it meant.

You stand there, as you play with your hands and your chin scrunches up into a paper ball as it becomes obvious your tears were gonna fall. You stand there like a toddler, looking down at your feet. You look up, quickly wiping the tear away that managed to escape.

- "I can't be with you" you answer as your own heart aches at your words.

He looks down as there was no expression placed on his face. It was hard for you to read his behaviour as he looked completely emotionless.

- "I'll quit"


You look up as you stare at him in disbelief.

- "W-what?"

- "I said I'll quit" he says so casually as you stand there not believing his words. 

- "Think about what you're saying Jungkook" you tell him.

- "I have" he lies. "And I know what I want" he says.

- "What about a job or Ye Jin-ah?" You question.

- "I'll find one" he answers. "And Ye Jin-ah, he's a strong boy"

- "Jungkook, I don't want you to stop doing something only for the satisfaction of other people" you say as you refer to yourself. His heart breaks at your words.

And this is why he needed you, this is why he's fallen for you. Because you were the only one to say such a thing to him.

He comes closer to you as you just stand there, his eyes glistened as your soft brown eyes hit his. His hands caresses your face slowly as he cups them. He leans in a little, pulling you in from the waist.

His soft lips brushes against yours as they begin to latch on to yours. He moves his lips slowly against yours, taking in the flavours that your lips gave him which other people deprived him of.

You take in his sweet lips as you tightly clutch onto his blazer suit, as his grip around your waist tightens. His lips move perfectly with yours. He held you tenderly, slowly breaking the kiss.

He looks into your innocent eyes.

- "I'll quit..."

Lies. It was all lies. He just wanted you. He needed you.

Just Lies...

The Teacher and The Gangster (JK)Where stories live. Discover now