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Author POV

- "Who are you?"...

The question reverberates between the two of you as he stands there... just the two of you. One on one.

- "How's Ye Jin?" He asks, a little breathless.

- "WHO ARE YOU?" You scream as an echo resonates on the empty street, as you finally lose it. A tear breaks out the brink of your eye as this all gets too much for you.

Your fists were tightened into a ball, and your face reddened at the sight of the scene. Your eyes begin to well up but you stand your firm as he looks at you a little sympathetically.

'Min Soon-ah was right' you thought.

Police sirens are heard in the far distance as they ring in both your ears. He slowly turns around as his hand clutches his stomach in pain.

- "Don't you dare leave" you warn him, trying to sound as threatening as you could but failed miserably.

He looks over at you one last time before getting into his wrecked car, before swerving the car driving the opposite direction of the police. You stand there helplessly as another tear streams down your face weakly, you quickly wipe your tear away before the officers got out of the car tuning their attention to you.

- "Are you okay ma'am?" A young officer asks, as your hair looked all scruffy and your blouse hanging off your shoulders which you roll back up.

- "I'm fine" you answer, your mind still wondering about Jungkook.

- "Let's get an ambulance" he says.

- "No need, thank you. I'm fine" you repeat as you walk back over to the school.

You see Ye Jin-ah in one of the teachers arms as you look at him, rolled up into her arm. You make your way over to him as he climbs in your arms before hugging you tightly.

- "Are you okay miss L/n?" He asks, fear in his voice.

- "Of course, I'm strong" you tell him, as you smile lightly at him. "How's my strong boy?" You ask, as you bop his nose.

- "I'm fine because I'm strong too!" He insists as you laugh at his cute actions.

- "That's my boy..."




- "So you didnt see anyone else at the scene?" The officer asks, trying to make up as much as they can on this case.

- "No officer" you lie. You didn't know why you covered up for him but you did. You lied to an officer.

- "Well then alright Miss L/n, that's it for the questions" he says, pausing the voice recorder. "Thank you for your time, and we may need you in the future for any further testimonies" the officer informs you as you just smile and nod.

You felt a guilt of rush run through your body. You could have told them it was Jungkook that saved you and the school full of children from that truck, but you didn't. You stayed silent.

- "Thank you" you say as the officer leads the way out.

You find yourself standing outside the police station with thoughts jumbled up in your mind. You couldn't think straight as Jungkook's face replays in your mind as he stood there, glaring deeply at you.

You start walking but you didnt know where, your feet were going at a fast pace as they wondered from street to street.

You see a bus and get on which was the opposite direction of your house. Again. You didn't know why?

The Teacher and The Gangster (JK)Where stories live. Discover now