You're okay

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Author POV

- "But you have..."

You pull away from his loosened grip, as your tears have seemed to stop flowing.

- "What?" He asks, confused.

- "You lied" you reply. "You lied and then seeing all this gang stuff..." you pause. " hurts me Jungkook"

He doesn't say anything as he just stands there helpless, sighing loudly.

- "I can't stand all this killing and this violence" you add. "And the worst part is, I hate that you put your life in danger every single day with this stuff."

Your words killed him, physically killed him. He huffs out as he begins to get frustrated.

- "What do you want me to say Y/n?" He asks.

- "I don't know" you say. "But I can't do this" you reply. A tear manages to slip as you quickly wipe it with the back of your hand.

He looks at you, completely run out of words.

You turn slowly as you have nothing left to say, your feet move as they took steps of their own distancing you from the man that has captured and punctured your heart.

Jungkook stood there, helplessly and he didn't stop you from walking away. He would have done the same if he was you and that's what killed him even more.

He was lost for words and the sound of his drumming heart was the only thing he could hear as the sound of your footsteps became distant...


- 'Y/n! Where are you?' Ha Ru asks.

She couldn't hear anything but the quiet sobs that you let out.

- 'Y/n! What happened?' She questions, getting worried.

- 'N-nothing, I just dont feel well, but y-you stay and enjoy. I'm-im going home' you say, in your teary voice before cutting the phone and making your way home.

You couldn't stop the tears that kept falling from your eyes. Your body felt weak and you plop yourself on the couch. You hear the doorbell ring numerous times before you stand up to go get it. You open the door to see a worried Ha Ru-ah standing there.

You couldn't hold it back anymore in front of her and cried as she ran in, hugging you tightly.

- "I'm sorry Ha Ru-ah" you sob, as you keep repeating those words.

- "Why? Nooo, don't be sorry" she says, stroking your hair with her soft palms.

After you calmed down, you told her everything. From Jungkook being in a gang, to him telling you that he was going to quit and what you witnessed an hour ago. You caught her to speed on everything and she couldn't believe it.

You look over at her as she just sits there, shocked. You smile faintly at her.

- "Do I have the right to cry now?" You joke, she looks at you sympathetically.

- "Yeah, you do" she says, chuckling a little as she draws her self closer to you so you could sob on her.

- "Y/n, please don't worry" she tells you. "One thing I've learnt from life is that if anything is meant to be, it will be! And trust me on that!" She voices.

- "Really?"

- "Really really" she answers.


The Teacher and The Gangster (JK)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin