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Author POV

'My mother always used to tell me to sit down and pray but I never understood the concept of it all. She used to tell me life is like a droplet of water but I never understood.

But I get it now.

Life comes and goes so fast without the realisation of death hitting you.

Faces pass us every single day but there will only be some that you may distinctly remember.

And that's the thing. That's something I always wondered about.

What if I didn't meet Jungkook the way that I did, would I have still liked him? Would have I still fallen for him if he was just a random guy on the street that just passed me? Or... what if I didn't see Jungkook at all?

But I did see him, so it must have been fate. You must have been the one that kept bringing him back to me and for that reason, I'm not gonna let go.

So for him, I will give up anything. For him, I will do anything. Because he is my life. Because you brang Jungkook into my life and I owe him.

He was always there to save my life so god please. Please god, let me be the one to save his. Jungkook gave me the life that I never thought that I had. So please... Please god, just one last time. Save him, take me away and save him

... Just one last time'

Your eyes shoot open.

- "Miss Y/n" you hear as you look over to see the nurse looking down at you. "Ah you're awake, that's good" she says as you sit up quickly.

- "Where's Jungkook?" You ask as you begin to get out of the bed as the nurse looks at you confused.

- "Miss, please lay back down. You're in no condition to get up right now" the nurse says as you carry on ignoring her. "Please Miss, sit back down" she says as she pulls you down with all her energy.

- "But where's Jungkook?" You cry as the nurse tries to calm you down.

- "Look miss, if you calm down, I will find out for you. But just please rest up for now and the doctor will be here any minute now" she says, only for the door to open to reveal a doctor.

- "Y/n" she calls. "how you feeling dear?" she asks as she comes over to check the monitor and your vitals.

- "Where's Jungkook? He's the man who suffered a bullet wound and-"

- "Y/n honey, relax. It's okay, I will answer your questions in a second but I want to know if you're okay?" The doctor responds as she witnesses your worried state.

- "I'm fine, I just need to know where my husband is."

You didn't know why the word 'husband' came out of your mouth. You knew you saw Jungkook as more but the topic of marriage never really came about. It just felt so natural.

You grabbed the nurses wrist in desperation as she just looks over at the doctor.

- "Okay" the doctor answers as she sends the nurse out to check as you thank her.

- "WAIT, m-my baby" you stutter as your hand reaches out to your stomach. For a second, you completely forgot about you being pregnant. There were already plenty of stuff piled up in your head, causing you to go crazy.

You felt so selfish completely forgetting that you had a chold inside of you.

- "Is the baby okay?" You ask, so close to crying.

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