Who are you?

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Author POV

You sat there embarrassed by the scene that doesn't seem to disappear from your mind. You bury your face in your hands as the pink dot on your cheek expands.

- "Ahhhhh how embarrassing" you talk to yourself.

Your mind couldn't help but go back to the thoughts of the kiss. Again. It was sweet. It was different. It was amazing.

Your thumb brushes against your lip, remembering how he kissed you.

'Why?' you thought.

One Day Later

- "He kissed you? Again?" Ha-Ru exclaims.

- "Yeah" you say guilty of your actions, chewing on your lower lip.

- "Well how was it?" She asks without judging as you smile at her reaction.

- "It was- it was good" you tell her. "Like I told you before, it was different and Ha-Ru! I felt like I was floating" you express to her.

- "Alright Cinderella, your ass belongs on earth" she retorts as you laugh.

- "And Min Soon's warning were nothing but words. It just seemed to leave my mind..."

- "Well, I wouldn't trust anything that bastard says anyways" Ha Ru claims, as she rests her elbow on the counter as her other hand rests on her hip.

You look at her giving the 'are you serious?' look.

- "What? I wouldn't" she contests.

- "If I've forgiven him, when will you?" You ask.

- "Never" she snorts, making her way to the couch. "And you should be grateful, I hate him because of what he did to you! You should be supporting me" she argues pointing at you, as you chuckle.

- "Of course I'm grateful! Im grateful than anyone else could be!" You tell her as you embrace her. "But he's nothing to me now. So I forgave him, and anyways I just don't want things to be awkward everytime I see him in parties or events. And you know that's because his mum and my mum are such close friends." You explain.

- "I know..." she answers.

- "I love you" you conform to her.

- "I know that too..."


Weeks have passed and you would see Jungkook picking up Ye Jin-ah more often. Your conversations wouldn't last long either, but you still loved it.

Your heart would race at an uncontrollable rate as your eyes glued to his dark orbs managed to plunge in to your pure heart.

It was just the fact that you saw him....

Author POV on Jungkook

- "I got eyes on him" Namjoon asserts through his ear piece, as he looks down at the old man in a suit as he hid in the towering buildings.

- "Mr Kim is no joke" Hoseok vocalises.

- "Hoseok, I've got two o'clock" Jimin adds, as a sniper is attached to his right arm in position.

- "Wait hold your fires!" Namjoon commands. He watches carefully as Mr Kim gets into his car peacefully which is offered by a farewell by Mr Kang. "FUCK! NOTHING!" Namjoon shouts.

- "What the fuck" Taehyung complains.

- "I just checked with Mr Kang's secretary, everyone we know accompanied Mr Kim" Jin answers.

- "What the fuck is this guy playing at?" Yoongi questions.

- "Are we missing something?" Hoseok asks, catching everyone off guard especially Jungkook.

- "No way, we've been here since last night. I have been guarding the building since last night" Taehyung says.

- "I don't think Mr Kim would be direct with his actions" Jin suggests.

Jungkook's mouth goes numb after hearing Jin's words. His brain swirls in motions and there's only one person he could think of...

- "Ye Jin-ah.."

- "What?"

- "They're going for Ye Jin-ah" Jungkook verbalizes, already gearing for action.

- "No way! I did a check run last night at the school" Jin argues.

- "Son of a bitch diverted the attention away from the school" Namjoon says, realising their deep mistake.

- "Shit!" Jimin yells.

- "How the fuck did we not realise?" Taehyung phrases.

- "I'm on it!" Jungkook asserts as he gets in his car and racing at the speed of lightening...




You enjoy the fresh cold air that brushed against your skin, blowing your light brown hair in all different directions. You watch the kids play in the playground, smiling and laughing.

- "Wish I was a child again" Mrs Lee comments, pulling up next to you as you bow. "No worries in life" she adds as you laugh.

- "It was the best" you reply.

You look over towards the big school gates. You see something weird.

You see a lorry that was twice the size of two normal cars. But it seemed to be going a lot faster than it was supposed to be going aswell as what seemed to be heading straight towards the... school...

- "Mrs Lee...what-" you say, not finishing your sentence as she now looks over to what has caught your attention.

- "Shit!" She spits. "EVERYONE INSIDE! NOW" She screams.

You rush to the children trying to get them inside as quick as possible, your face turning frequently towards the lorry that has managed to get nearer and nearer. You get the children inside as fast as possible with a little time to spare for yourself.

Mrs Kim helps you with the doors as you jam them with chairs which you stack up.

The lorry gets closer and closer as you shut your eyes tight, holding on to the children for their dear life as they cry in your arms.

- "Its okay, it okay" you assure them, your arms tightly wrapped around them.


The children flinch in your arms as you hug them tighter.

You hear the steering of the lorry screech. You stand up a little trying to get access to the dangerous scene through the tainted windows.

You stand up fully as you make your way to the door, believing that was it.

- "Y/N! What are you doing? Get back here!!" Mrs Kim shouts but you ignore her as you make your way out to the scene that everyone in their life dreaded.

The scene becomes a little clearer to you. You see a familiar black car that was smashed against the school gates as the steam grates out of the lorry.

You witness the lorry has managed to miss the school gates as the black car swerved just in time to take the place of dented gates. That black car saved the school.

You come out of the school to see the driver of the lorry bleeding as his head lay on his steering wheel. You cover your mouth in shock.

You look around only to make out a familiar figure.

- "Jungkook" you call as he stands there, with his chest moving as he inhales and exhales deeply.

You look over at him, shell shocked at his state. His bangs cover his forehead but the crimson red blood still manage to make an appearance. The tire tracks were visible on his torn suit, as he stands there looking ragged with his fists pumping red.

- "Who are you?"...

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