More than just a teacher

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Author POV

You felt empty as Jungkook walked out the classroom, knowing full well that you just confessed your feelings for him.

He couldn't get your words out of his head. He couldn't even answer the question himself.

'What are you to him?'

He didn't know what to do, he knew he couldn't resist you and he knew if he didn't walk out of that class, he would have said or do something that he would regret.

He sits there as Jimin looks over at him, glancing at him from time to time.

- "What's wrong with you?" Hoseok asks, slapping Jungkook's thighs as he takes a seat next to him, catching his attention.

- "Nothin" Jungkook replies, taking another sip of his drink as his eyes darken at the thought of you.

- "You look mad" Hoseok points out, as the other boys attention was now on Jungkook.

- "I'm not" he says as Jimin already notices what he was thinking about. Jungkook stands up, grabbing for his blazer suit.

- "Where you going?" Namjoon asks.

- "Out" Jungkook spits through his gritted teeth, before walking huskily out of the lounge.

Jimin follows Jungkook out of the lounge. He sees Jungkook heaving heavily and that was because of the thought of you. He aggressively hits the headboard of his car, trying so hard to get you out of his head.

- "You alright?" Jimin asks as Jungkook turns around.

- "Yeah" Jungkook answers.

- "Go clear your mind Jungkook" Jimin says, before turning on his heels.

- "How did you get over it?" Jungkook asks, as Jimin becomes frozen on the spot.

Jimin's heart ached at the sound of that question.

- "How did you get over her?" Jungkook asks again as Jimin turns at a 180 degrees angle to face him. He sighs deeply before answering.

- "I do what I usually do" he says, before turning around and heading back into the lounge.

Jungkook gets into his car and there was nothing going to stop him from what he was going to do now.


Jungkook walks briskly into the club as someone familiar catches his eye. It was the girl from last time. Her eyes flutter as Jungkook walks towards her.

- "Well well well, look who's back? Well, you can turn around and go back out of that door" she spits as she turns around to speak to her friend again.

Jungkook stands there, with his hands in his suit pockets. He smirks at her words causing her to get annoyed.

He leans forward towards her ear as he moves her hair away from her neck and face, sending her shivers down her whole exposed body. His minty breath fanned her neck and she couldn't help but get enough.

- "That's alright, I'll just go fuck someone else" Jungkook whispers into her ear as he chuckles deeply, sending bolts that danced on her skin.

Jungkook begins to walk away as he feels a pair of cold hands wrap around his wrist causing Jungkook to smirk. Jungkook slowly turns around as her needy body gets closer to Jungkook.

- "You can have me" she contests as Jungkook smirks sexily at her.

He grabs for her wrist, before walking out of the club as she tries to pace up with his steps.

- "Where are we going?" She asks, as they were both in his car. But Jungkook doesn't answer, as he speeds up on the dark ridden roads.

He pulls up at at a motel, pushing her into a room, with no time to waste but going deep into her lips. He kisses her plumped lips eventhough it wasn't the same as yours.

He goes at her, as she begins to roughly take off Jungkooks blazer, as he carries on kissing her. His hands snaked to her waist, pulling her close to him. She looks over at him with lust in her eyes, grabbing his face to toughen the make out.

Jungkook closed his eyes. But slowly the bright images of your beautiful face popped up in his head. Your smile. Your eyes. Your lips. Your cheeks. Your nose. Your hair.

He furrows his eyebrows as he tries to taste the girls lips as he's now on top of her, trying to forget you.

But it wasn't working, he couldn't help but think of his soft lips being attached to your sweet ones. Taking in the smell your soft, luscious brown hair.

The girl tries to unbutton Jungkooks shirt as his hand rests on her thighs. He goes down, kissing her neck but only to think about your scent and how that fuckin entranced him in.

He tried. He tried to forget you but this intense session only made him reminisce about you. He couldn't help but remember your words that played like a song in his head...

'What am I to you?'

- "Fuck" Jungkook spits, pulling the girl off him.

- "What? What is it again?" She asks getting annoyed, pulling her strap up.

Jungkook sits up on the edge of the bed, his hands on his head, trying so hard to forget you.

He gets up slowly before grabbing his blazer and going for the door.

- "Hey! Where are you goi-"

But the slam of the door was already heard and he was already gone.




You hear the door bell ring continuously, as your head starts to hammer at the sound of it.

- "Alright, alright. I'm coming, jeez-" you say, making your way towards the door quickly.

You swing the door open. You heart drops automatically at your sight...

- "Jungkook?"

Your heart beats rapidly at the sight of Jungkook. Your hands become all sweaty as the saliva on your tonsils dry out.

He looked rough, like he just came out of a fight.

He doesn't say a word but walks right in, passing by you. You close the door and follow him into your small living room. You see his hands resting on his hips, as he turns to face you.

- "Wh-what a-are you doing here?" You ask, proud that your question finally came out.

- "I don't know what the FUCK you are doing for me to be feeling this way" he vocalises as you flinch at him raising his voice. You stand there in silence, confused. A five second silence filled the empty room.

- "Let me tell you something y/n" he says. "I was fine before I even saw you. I was fine before I saw your face but everywhere I fuckin go, it's you. You really know how to fuck someone up, don't you?" he professes. "You really don't make shit easy Y/n?" he says, leaving you speechless.

You breathe in deeply at his words as his heavy chest heaves up and down. Silent. The room was filled with silence.

Your stomach was churning as your heart thumped faster and faster, before dropping down to your guts. Your eyes burn from them being open for too long.

You finally had the courage to speak.

- "And what about me?" You ask, calmly. "You think it was easy for me? Easy for me to come to terms that the guy that's made me feel 'special' is in some illegal shit?" You quarrel back, as you get closer to his figure.

He stood there staring at you, mesmerised. He just couldn't get over how beautiful you were. He couldn't. He mouth opens to finally release his statement...

"More than just a teacher..."

The Teacher and The Gangster (JK)Where stories live. Discover now