I got you

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Author POV

A month and a half has passed and you haven't seen no sign of Jungkook. You couldn't help but long for him but at the same time, you wondered what Min Soon-ah meant by Jungkook being dangerous.

'What did he mean by dangerous' you thought. But again, you couldn't help but think he was right after that car incident. You thought it was for the best you haven't seen him.

You went to work with another full, busy day with the children.

- "Miss, miss L/n! He pushed me!" The little girl complains as she points at Ye Jin-ah.

- "Ye Jin-ah, did you push her?" You ask, getting on his level as you raise you eyebrow at him.

- "Maybe" he says, holding his head high and you couldn't help but think of Jungkook as you realised he does the same thing.

- "Alright, be a good boy and apologise to her Ye Jin-ah" you say to him nicely so that they wouldn't get upset.

- "Why should I?" He argues back, folding his arms and pouting.

- "Come here" you say pulling them both in and surround them with your arms. "When someone does something bad, you need to apologise. It doesn't make you look weak but makes you look stronger" you tell them as you smile at Ye Jin-ah.

- "I want to be stronger!" He exclaims.

- "Well then you can, if you say sorry" you explain to him.

- "I'm sorry, I won't push you again" he says to the girl, who smiles at him widely.

- "It's okay" the little girl says.

They both go and play, making the most time they have for recess. Everytime you looked at Ye Jin, you would think of Jungkook.

'Stop thinking about him Y/n' you say to yourself.

The day passes with teaching them simple maths, and literacy skills that it was already time for the little bundle of angels to go home.

The kids left one by one as their parents picked them up. Again... Ye Jin was one of the last.

- "Wanna go inside Ye Jin-ah and wait for someone to pick you up" you say to him as you kneel down on his level, zipping his coat up. 

- "Uh-hu" he says, shaking his head. "He's coming now" he says as he points his finger towards a man.

You turn around to see someone you actually secretly longed for. Your heart was making that drumming sound after such a long time.

You see Jungkook walking towards the both of you. His face was getting even more beautiful.

Ye Jin-ah runs up to him, hugging him tight.

- "Hey champ" he says, smiling at him.

- "Hi!" Ye Jin replies making the both of them look really cute. He looks over at you and smiles faintly.

- "Oh, wheres your lunch box?" Jungkook asks Ye Jin, looking at his hand.

- "Oh! It's in the classroom" he replies, remembering. "I'll go get it" Ye Jin finishes, getting down from Jungkook's arms and running off inside leaving you and Jungkook alone.

You look over at him, as he stands there with hands shoved in his pockets looking at you. Everything that Min Soon-ah said has seemed to escape your mind.

- "You okay?" You ask, looking away as you play with the long sleeves of your sweater. He looks over at you, emotionless.

He was silent, leaving this tense air between the two of you.

- "Well.. I hope you're well" you say, smiling softly before walking away from him.

He quickly makes the swift movement before grabbing your wrist.

- "I- I" he stutters, not able to get the words out of his mouth. "I wanted to see you..."

- "I got my lunchbox" Ye Jin shouts as Jungkook quickly lets go of your wrist.

- "R-right, let's go" Jungkook answers before turning away and holding Ye Jins hand, leaving you there alone.

Your heart was weak, you were weak. You wanted him near you, you wanted him to speak to you, you wanted to see him too.

You wanted him.


- "Ha-Ru !! Popcorn or Nachos?"

- "Both" she shouts from your bedroom as you chuckle at her greediness.

- "Okayyy" you answer.

- "So now what are you gonna do?" Ha-Ru asks, popping her head out.

- "Oh god, you scared me" you say, your hand on your heart.

- "Ha, so tell me!! I'm interested"

- "There's nothing to say Ha Ru-ah. Min Soon-ah told me to stay away from him and I'm gonna try my best to stay away from Jungkook" you tell her as you already catched her up on the whole thing.  "The only time I say hi or bye will be when he picks up Ye Jin-ah" you finish. 

- "But it's still weird how he left without explaining anything y/n?" Ha Ru questions as you just shrug your shoulders.

- "So you're actually gonna listen to him?!" Ha-Ru asks. "The guy who cheated on you on the day of your birthday?" Ha-Ru exclaims.

- "Ha-Ru" you voice, as a dagger manages to pierce through your heart. "I don't want to talk about it"

- "I know, I know! I'm sorry and I'll 100% support your choice but just don't let the guy who broke your heart manipulate you in any way" she argues.

- "Ha-Ru, you do realise that I was in a high speed car chase with this man as he played 'IT' with his 'friends' " you remind her, putting the nachos in the oven.

- "I get it, but didn't he just say that they were friends"

- "He did, but- "

- "Well there you go. Look, I know you Y/n! You haven't been this dazed for a guy since Min Soon-ah. !" She says, holding your warm hands. "I'm not gonna tell you what to do, but go with your heart" she tells you, as you sigh deeply.

- "Thank you Ha Ru" you reply as she smiles at you.

- "Look what you made me do!" Ha Ru whines.

- "What?" You ask innocently.

- "You've made me say cheesy things!" She complains as you laugh, giving her a tight hug.

"I got you..."

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