I've fallen

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Author POV

- "I love you Y/n"

You heart stopped at those three words. You were stuck and you didn't know how to act, you were still attached to his body as he tries to look for a response.

His hands loosen around your waist and you took the opportunity to step back.

He wasn't looking for that response as he started to become regretful of his words.

You heart rammed in your chest and you look down trying to find out what this could mean.

The truth was you were in love with him. You were crazy for him, and eventhough you tried for several months to get him off your mind, he would still have a way of creeping back in.

- "W-w-w-what did you say?" You stutter.

There was a long pause as his eyes meet yours.

- "I said I love you" he announces, loud and clear. "I love you Y/n"

You weren't worthy of him, you couldn't be worthy of him you thought. Tears began to voluntarily fall without your permission and you hated it.

You hated that everytime he was with you, he would only see your tears.

Memories of Min Soon-ah floods back as you try to brush it off. You couldn't.

If you couldn't please Min Soon, what made you think you could fulfill the desires of the one man that you actually loved.


- "So what's Min Soon-ah gonna do for your birthday?" Ha Ru teases, poking your belly.

- "Ahhh Ha Ru, stop" you whine, elbowing her to stop poking you. "I don't know though" you say, giggling to yourself.

- "Let's hope hes planning something real special" She says curiously, still teasing you.

- "Oh shhhh" you say, smaking her arm lightly.

- "Oh and if anything does happen..." she says, turning around. "I want all the details" she finishes before running away and giggling before you could slap her other arm.

You walk home from your late shift, excited and surprised to see what your boyfriend has in store for you on the night of your birthday.

You quickly rush home, with your backpack strapped to your back as you pace your way home. Your feet trying to go as fast as they can.

You finally arrive at the deluxe of your small little apartment, excited.

You turn the keys, opening the door before lightening the room with the flick of a switch.

It was quiet. You look around, trying to look for Min Soon-ah until sudden soft murmurs could be heard.

You walk closer to your bedroom, hoping that those sounds were not what you thought it was.

Your hand rests on the door knob, twisting it to reveal-

- "Y/n?"

Your heart drops at the sight of the scene.

- "Its not what you think Y/n" you hear but it was all becoming blurry.

You quickly turn around, walking away as Min Soon-ah begins to chase after you.

Countless tears streamed away as your heart physically ached inside of you.

- "Y/n please. Let me explain" he says, trying to defend himself.

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