Twelve: At a Loss

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Taehyung jumped forward, catching Jimin as he crumpled to the floor.

The fuck?! Namjoon's voice sounded, He passed out?!

"He's not a wolf, dumbass," Taehyung grumbled, lifting his friend so he wasn't on the snow, "What the hell do you want with him?!"

Apart from Namjoon, the eyes of the other wolves turned to Bee, who was calmly observing Jimin.

Bring him.

She turned and trotted away, followed by her pack. Jungkook and Hoseok moved behind Taehyung, not-so-subtly indicating that he needed to follow.

With a sigh, Taehyung shifted Jimin so he was over his shoulder, and followed his ex-pack.


Jimin's eyes fluttered as he came to. He could hear voices, and recognised one of them as Taehyung's.

"He isn't a damn wolf, why else would he pass out when he saw you and Bee shift?"

"That's Alpha to you, goddamn trai-"

"She is not my Alpha anymore!" Taehyung growled at whoever was talking, "And you seem to have grown some balls since you took my place as second, Namjoon-"

"Enough," A girl spoke, sounding bored, and Jimin finally managed to open his eyes.

He was laying on a sofa in a large room that was well-lit but not warm. As he struggled to sit up, he noticed that the group of students from his school were dotted around the room and right in front of him was Taehyung, Namjoon and Bee.

"Jimin, are you okay?" Taehyung asked, moving to him, "You scared me,"

"What's going on?" He asked groggily, rubbing his eyes, "Where are-" He stopped suddenly, his eyes widening as the memory of what happened struck him. He turned to Bee, "Y-you turned into a wolf!"

"Told you," Taehyung muttered, "Now can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?!"

"Watch your mouth," Namjoon snarled, "You-"

"I said enough!" Bee snapped loudly and Jimin gasped as a blast of hot air smacked him in the chest. Each of the students around the room took a step back and Namjoon dipped his head a little.

She turned her attention to Taehyung, "The pack across the mountains invaded our territory. We don't know for sure that they are after, but while patrolling, the scent of one of those wolves was found at his house,"

Taehyung sighed, "He isn't involved. And neither am I. Why did you bring me here, Bee?"

"We need your help," She said, "You know more about them than we do,"

Jimin's eyes flickered between the pair. It seemed that they were communicating on some level that he didn't understand, but he kept quiet, despite being incredibly confused.

"Everyone out," Bee spoke suddenly and as one, all of the students left the room, except Taehyung and Namjoon - and Jimin, of course.

"Alpha, I don't think-"

"Disobey me one more time and I'm going to have to remind you who is Alpha," Bee cut Namjoon off, "I'm getting sick of your disrespect, especially in front of others,"

Namjoon seemed angry but controlled himself. He nodded and shot Taehyung.l a glare before striding from the room and closing the door behind him.

At a loss, Jimin sat still, looking back and forth between the pair, "Sh- Should I also..?"

"Stay," Taehyung said, not looking at him, "You're safer here with me,"

After a moment of silence, Bee finally spoke. Her tone was still level and calm, and it kind of scared Jimin a little.

"What did they tell you the Medallion would do?"

Taehyung sighed, running his fingers through his hair, "They said it would cure you. The medallion was supposed to take the curse and power from you,"

Bee let out a small sigh, "Even you, Taehyung?"

Jimin's friend frowned and Bee shook her head. She quickly pulled her shirt off, making Jimin blush and look away politely, despite the fact that she was wearing a bra. He didn't really want to be involved in this conversation.

"Look what you did to me," She demanded, her tone still even, "Look at this. Ever since that night, my powers have been more unstable and uncontrollable, and it it because of you. That medallion wasn't just taking my power. It was taking my life-force. It was killing me,"

"Shit, Bee," Taehyung sighed. Jimin heard him take a step towards her, "I never meant for that to happen,"

"Well it did," After the sound of rustling, Jimin looked up, grateful to see that Bee had put her shirt back on, "We need to find out your friends involvement," She turned her icy silver eyes to Jimin, who felt a not-unpleasant shover run up his spine, "And we need to know about the other pack. As ling as you both behave, I will consider you guests,"

Her eyes suddenly changed into the red and orange flickers that Jimin had seen before, "If you try to leave or cause trouble, I will kill you myself,"

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