예순 다섯 - पासष्ट

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"Lee Hwang. Lee Hwang. Lee Hwang. What else you have been doing these past months? From co-CEO to visual director? How did he get away from our hands? He must have known about it then why didn't he say anything? I want to protect my artist at all cost yet he goes and lies." Gauravi kept murmuring as her fingers moved on the keyboard trying to get any information she could gather on Lee Hwang.

Her eyes fell on the article from three years ago, Lee Hwang planning to leave SYP for good. It had bunch of reasons regarding why he is leaving the company. Bullshit, why would someone leave a job which does everything for you? What? Bad relationship with the other CEO? What a load of bullshit of a reason! If he really did have that of bad relationship then they wouldn't be meeting every week.

Scrolling down she read few articles of scandals of the SYP's. Assault, numerous suicide cases, and what not. "Why was a company like this is still living in this country?!" Gauravi exclaimed. "What is law doing in this country? They have been constant, a suicide case every year, artist accused of sexual assault, rape?! What are they breeding criminals?!" She was about the burst the nerve when her cellphone rang. Looking at the caller id she sighed. He's been calling her nonstop since he left. Sighing again she picked up the call or else there was no other way to get him to stop.


"Yes?! This is how you answer the call after avoid it for so long? Who do you think I am Gauravi? I have been calling you like crazy! Don't you have any sense? I was so worried; you didn't even let me talk to you while leaving and Joon is not telling me anything! I tried calling Jin but the call wouldn't get through! What is going on?!"

"First of all, take a deep breath nothing is going on. Everything is fine, you don't have to worry about anything and anyone." Gauravi explained. "There are some issues regarding work so-"

"You are lying." Gauravi was cut of abruptly. "I know you more than I know myself Gauravi. Do you think I am dumb enough to not know what has been going on?"

"That's great then. You know about it, what else do you want to talk about because I'm in hurry right now." Gauravi said clenching her fist. She had enough of this. All she wanted was peace so could she could at least do one thing right. "I have many things to take care of and right now listening to your nagging is not one of them."


"Please Ben, I had enough okay. I don't need you to poke me every time, in every single matter of mine. Just leave me alone okay. I have my own life and you don't have to do anything with it." She was speaking without any thought; she was just frustrated with everything going around her. She wanted peace and her own pace to come out of it. But with every call from others to help was driving her to the edge of the cliff.

Gauravi was always been like this since she was very young, when her father left her and her mother to fend for themselves. They say, son is the one who will look after you in your old age, not the daughter, she is the going to leave to look after others. But, Gauravi was that daughter who look after her mother and her grandparents who were left by their son to fend for themselves. There was no other to help, she never wanted one because she knew, no one can be trusted but herself. The more others tried to help her the more she detached herself from them.

"O-okay. Sorry I tried to budge into your life. I won't anymore. Take care." With that Ben hung up the call. The beep sounded in her ear as she squeezed her eyes close in regret.

"God dammit!" She cursed kicking the desk in front of her. Getting up she walked outside the room into the balcony. Pulling out a cigarette from the box she pressed it between her lips before lighting it. Letting out a puff of smoke she sighed. "I-I'll talk to him later. I'm sure he'll understand why I said those words." She muttered to herself. "Right now, what's important is to keep the boys safe. Right, I should call Joon. There was no report since morning." She nodded to herself. Pulling out her phone she was about to call him when her phone buzzed. It was Ha Joon.

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