이십 구 - एकोणतीस

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Next morning came and Gauravi had tried all ways to get to see Jungkook by now but all failed. She didn't even got glimpse of him. The boys were scheduled for an radio interview but company had decided to let Jungkook skip after last night's incident. Gauravi had thought about staying back, taking an opportunity to see him with his hyungs not around but then again she had a publicist role to play.

When she saw the boys, she noticed the change in their behaviour. She received all sort of different looks. The two maknae's threw her nasty looks, Yoongi as always glared at her, Hoseok didn't even acknowledge her presence, Jin just gave a nod which was out of manner, she could tell that. Namjoon was the only one who gave her small smile that she surely didn't deserve. She deserves all those nasty looks, cold treatments, and curses. She really hated herself right now for doing that to that poor boy.

Question rose during radio interview about Jungkook's absence but they settled down when told that he was not feeling well. Even the boys seemed out of it the whole interview. Some how they were done with it and were heading back to hotel again when she decided to talk to Namjoon.

"Mr. Namjoon!" Gauravi called out jogging towards him.

"Gauravi." He greeted when she reached his side.

"Namjoon I-I am so sorry, I swear I really didn't mean to hurt him it's just that I so-"

"I understand, you don't have to explain to me. It quite reckless of him to go out like that. You don't have to apologise."

"No, I have to!" Her voice raised a few octaves. "I have to, I have hurt him so bad, he just wanted to-"

"Gauravi, don't blame yourself. He is not a kid anymore, he needs to understand that." Namjoon said holding her shoulders. "And don't mind others they are ove-"

"No, I understand their anger." She looked giving him a sad smile. Namjoon sighed but returned her smile with one of his own. "How-how is he?"

"He is little disturbed. He always got all shaken up with things like this but don't worry he'll be fine soon." Gauravi just sighed. "Don't worry and don't blame yourself for what happened okay?" He said patting her upper arm, Gauravi sighed again. How could she not worry and blame herself? "Come on let's go." She nodded as they both heading towards the van to return back to the hotel.

"Hey hey! Don't worry too much now. Everything will be okay." Ben said rubbing Gauravi's back trying to comfort her. Gauravi had returned to her apartment for lunch break and somehow confessed all her doings to Ben.

"I am such an asshole Ben." Gauravi mumbled.

"Well that can't be denied." He retorted earning himself a punch in the stomach. "What the fuck!" He groaned holding his stomach.

"Don't be baby. I didn't punch you that hard." Gauravi rolling her eyes as she stood up.

"Fuck you!" He cursed still groaning. Gauravi snorted at that before checking her watch.

"I gotta go." She said hurriedly before heading towards the door. Ben quickly stood up and followed her.

"Will you be coming back for dinner?"

"Maybe, I don't know Ben." Ben sighed but nodded anyways. He missed her so much that he wanted her to all himself but he knew how much her work was important to her.

"Okay. Be careful okay. Don't stress to much, everything will be fine." He said walking behind her. Gauravi opens the door and turned around.

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