둘- दोन

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"Hana dul ses!" The camera shuttered as Taehyung changed poses.

"Hana dul ses!" The camera shuttered as Taehyung changed poses

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"Good. That's was nice. Thank you Taehyung. Next please!" Photographer thanked Taehyung as he waved his hand to call Jimin for posing.

"Junbidoen? Hana, dul, ses!" (Ready? One, Two, Three!) Photographer commanded as Jimin posed. "Turn a little bit to you right. Yeah that's it. Nice."

"Wae (Why) wasn't I given a undershirt?" Jimin commented as he continued to posed

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"Wae (Why) wasn't I given a undershirt?" Jimin commented as he continued to posed.

"It's not like you care." Yoongi said.

"True." Jimin grinned and gave a pose before bowing down to photographer thanking him.

"Yoongi be quick. I heard you guys have a meeting." Photographer Dong rushed Yoongi.

" Photographer Dong rushed Yoongi

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"Ok. That's it. Now you guys can go do your thing." Photographer Dong shooed them.

"What meeting Dong hyung was talking about?" Taehyung questioned as three of them walked into the hallway.

"About the new staff member. Maybe we are meeting him or her today." Yoongi said unbuttoning the first button of the dark blue denim shirt.

"I think it's gonna be a she." Jimin said as jumped in front of Yoongi and Taehyung.

"What makes you think that?" Taehyung asked raising his eyebrow.

"Well I am hoping it's a she." Jimin grinned. He was back walking in front of the other two completely blocking their view. He also didn't know that there was a girl rushing down their way carrying some papers and her handphone attached to her ear. Well Jimin being Jimin he collided with girl making both of them fall. She on her butt and Jibooty on her papers.

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