이십 일 - एकवीस

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"Hyung what about we do a VLive together?" Jimin asked Jin who had just suggested about doing a EatJin episode.

"Well it's not anything different, you always join me whenever I do a live." Jin said shrugging. He wanted to do something different this time.

"How about with me?" Namjoon asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"No, thank you." Jin said holding his hand up.

"Wae? I also wanna be part of EatJin. You had everyone as a guest but me! This is not fair hyung!' Namjoon shouted slamming his fist on the couch.

"For your kind information, I also never did a live with Jin hyung." Yoongi uttered from the other couch on which he had curled himself in a ball.

"Yeah right! Let's have you as a guest this time!" Jin exclaimed clapping his hands. "What do you think Yunki?"

"What?! Seriously hyung? This is so not fair. Why Yoongi hyung when I asked you first?" Namjoon stood up shouting.

"Because-" Suddenly the door slammed open making everyone turn their attention towards it.

"Umm sorry?" Jungkook apologised. "Did I interrupt something?" He asked as he closed the door behind him and settled beside curled up Yoongi.

"Nothing important, just married couple quarreling over stupid things." Yoongi muttered with his eyes closed.

"We weren't." Jin glared at Yoongi who just snorted and turned towards Jungkook. "Where were you?" He questioned.

"Gym." Jungkook shrugged ruffling his slightly wet hair. Jin nodded turning his attention back on recent matter that was EatJin episode. Again they were back to quarreling, Namjoon complaining, Jin retorting back as savagely as possible with few taunts from Yoongi here and there.

"Jungkookie?"Jmin called for his attention. Jungkook hummed in reply. "What is it with you and Gauravi noona?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Jungkook sat up straight and furrowed his eyebrows.

"I don't know now a days you always seem to be with her." Jimin said sounding more jealous than curious.

"Noona is fun to talk with. " Jungkook shrugged leaning back again. He was too tired to tease or fight with Jimin right now. Jimin just huffed and turned his attention back to Jin and Namjoon.

Soon after the quarreling couple had left, Namjoon saying he would do a album review live and Jin had pulled Jimin with him saying he and Jimin will do EatJin together.


"Ne hyung?" Jungkook replied to Yoongi with his eyes closed.

"I told you to stay away from her." Hearing that Jungkook sat up straight again furrowing his eyebrows, like he was annoyed.

"But why? She is really nice. Not like what you think she is." Jungkook whined defending his noona.

"You know her like for a month or two Jungkook, you can't be sure. You do know that she is our fan right, a crazy one to be exact. Remember the hallway incident." It was quite irony when here he is asking Jungkook to say away from her but he himself couldn't do it.

"I know hyung, but it's not like she can cause any harm, I mean she is here for exactly the opposite reason." He muttered the last sentence under his breath.

"She can kookie. Just listen to your hyung okay? I know there is definitely something that she is hiding from us." Yoongi said with a serious thinking look on his face.

"What if it's for our own good?" Jungkook suddenly voiced.


"What if whatever she is hiding is for our own good? I am just saying hyung. She is really a good person. I really like her hyung." Jungkook said trying to convince his hyung to drop the suspicion he had on his noona but he didn't know that he had just ruined whatever chances he had when he uttered the last sentence.

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