쉰한 - एकावन्न

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Somehow Gauravi found herself in Bighit's staff meeting again. Bored out of her, listening to ideas of how to make boys popular than they already were. What a dumb thing to do? Gauravi thought yawning. How can these people live like this? Just talk and talk? I bet they don't even pass the minimum bar of exercise. Gauravi yawned again leaning on her palm. I'm hungry, I want food. They didn't even let me eat lunch! Just drag me here to talk about dumb shit.

"Ani!" Gauravi eyes widen at the sudden out burst. Wow, they quarrel too? What's there to quarrel about?

"Calm down, everyone! I know it's exciting, the global project but we caan take this calmly rather than rushing into it." Yeah, yeah doing it calmly always work for some people. Gauravi thought nodding her head. She wasn't the one of those people though. Always go with your instincts, she used to say to her comrades. Not the best advice but yeah, that's how she ran. "You can work with Ms. Apte. She has the experience of whole global thing, right?"

Gauravi straighten up when she noticed everyone's gaze on her. Did I miss something? She questioned herself putting up a nervous smile. "Yeah?"

"Then, that's settle. Mr. Kim you can ask Ms. Apte for suggestions."

"Wait what?" Gauravi looked confused. "What suggestions?" She whispered to herself when saw Mr. Kim giving her all smiles. Umm no? She thought giving him her own smile which probably looked like a grimace.

"Thank you for meeting. Have a good day." Everyone stood up and bowed. Gauravi bowed still confused. Ugh! I should've payed attention. She groaned straightening up and following others out of the meeting room. "God, I hate this, I hate this." She muttered getting out.

"Ms. Apte!" Huh? She turned around to see Mr. Kim from earlier calling her name. Didn't hear you! She thought as she sprinted out of there.

"Oh my gosh! Why?" She heaved and looked up at the guy upstairs. "You really don't like me, do you?" She asked sighing to herself.

"One would think you are crazy for talking like that."

"Holy dick!" She shrieked turning around with hand on her chest. Yoongi stood staring at her with amused look.

"Umm, thank you?" He said smirking.

"What the fuck dude?! Don't sneak up like that on people!" Gauravi exclaimed narrowing her eyes at him.

"I didn't, you were the one standing in middle of the hallway and talking to yourself." He replied shrugging his shoulder.

"Whatever." Gauravi huffed crossing her arms when her stomach growled. "Ow, I still haven't had lunch yet." She whispered to herself holding her stomach.

"Let's go." She looked up in surprise.

"What?" Rolling his eyes at her response, Yoongi just grabbed her hand and dragged her with him. "Wait-wait. Let go! Mr. Min? Stop this. What if someone saw us? I think we discussed about this that day." All her words fell short to his ears as he typed in code for his Genius Lab. It pinged as the door opened. Dragging her inside he closed the door behind him. "Mr. Min?" She stepped away from him and he stepped near her. "Mr. Min, what are we doing here?"

"What do you think we are doing here?" He questioned back raising his eyebrow as smirk formed on his lips.

"Mr. Min seriously, we need to stop. You need stop before this could go any worse." She said stepping back when her back bumped against the wall.

"No." He said. Gauravi opened and closed her mouth like a fish under water. "That day you asked me if I still believed that you are hiding something." He said stepping closer to her, successfully trapping her between him and wall. "No, I don't believe that you are hiding anything ."

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