열둘 - बारा

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"Boys stick together, there's not stopping. No photos are to been taken with fans. Do you get it?" Their manager instructed as they got down from plane and made their towards airport. Boys nodded at the instructions.

"Don't accept any gifts from the fan directly. Ask someone to take it for you. I repeat, ask someone to take it for you." The manager said again looking at each of the boys. "Staff be cautious, and alert." He said again this time instructing the staff.

"Psstt..Noona." Jungkook nudge Gauravi who was walking by him. She turned towards him, pulled down her Raybans and raised an eyebrow in question. "Why so strict now? We never had this strict rules before." Jungkook asked looking up through his bucket hat.

"Jungkook, you guys are now global artist." She simply said before turning away from him and looking ahead.

"Huh but- you are not telling me everything are you?'' He asked realizing after the way she had answered his question.

"Jungkook, I have already told you before, and I am telling you again, the less you know, the better it is." She muttered under her breath as Jimin had walked passed them.

"But Noona-"

"Jungkook." After that he stopped with his questions. This time Gauravi had traveled with them in same transport and Jungkook knowing that had stuck his hip with Gauravi since she stepped her foot on the plane. He sat beside her the whole ride questioning her about her job but she denied answering them not wanting to get caught by others so he had switched to her personal life. Other members had given them questioning eyes causing her to just smile nervously at them.

"Okay, wait here." The manager said halting everyone's movement. "Paparazzi is gathered out there, to keep it peaceful we'll let you boys go one by one so they can take pictures without doing any harm. Just walk through don't wait and smile for them, I know you guys are tired and uncomfortable. We have airport security guarding and paparazzi has assured us that there will be no forcing camera in face, just calmly working together." He said causing Gauravi to look up.

Are they really trusting paparazzi? She questioned in her mind then turned to catch the manager's eye who was also the head of security of Bighit. She raised her eyebrow in question asking him if they were really going to do this? The manager gave her the nod confirming that yes, they were indeed going to do it this way. She wanted to interfere but it was a decision taken by their side, nothing she could interfere with. If anything would have to happen then it would be their fault and the airport security's since they were assigned at this with blind trust.

"Team Echo fall back and work through sidelines. Copy." Gauravi tilted her head a little and said through her little microphone that was attached to her beige coloured shirt's collar.

"Wilco." Came in the voice.

"It's idiocy to trust someone like paparazzi and airport security but will go through it. Just be alert. Over and out." She muttered before looking around to see they were starting to let out the boys. Jin and Namjoon were the ones to go out first then Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung were to follow them leaving Jungkook and Yoongi last. After every member one staff member was to follow just in case of emergency. Gauravi walked forward and stood beside the airport security who was standing at the door from which the boys were going to walk out. She stood at door staring the paparazzi who were ready with their cameras.

She stared at each of them observing every single thing. Trying to catch any weird things or movements. Soon Jin walked out followed by Namjoon as promised the paparazzi peacefully clicked pictures. Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung followed, nothing weird happened every thing was going as it was suppose to, peacefully, apart from aggressive shouting at boys to wave at their camera and stuff, it was as expected from the paparazzi. Soon Jungkook followed he waited for Yoongi to join him but the staff motioned for him to move forward.

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