이십 사 - चोवीस

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"Lifters." Ha Joon said as he walked in with others who followed after him. "They confessed about being the new members of lifters."

"No shit." Gauravi snorted bitterly shaking her head.

"What should we do?" Ha Joon asked nervously looking Gauravi and then at others who were figiting, avoid their leaders eye.

"Discuss it with company and suggest handing them to local police." She said, her jaw tightening. "We have more important matters to look after."  Ha Joon gulped, nodded hurriedly at her gaze.

"Sir-" He was about to apologize when she cut him off.

"Now, tell me what was so important that you had forgotten that you are here for duty?" She asked looking into each one's eye. Her voice calm, too calm. "Answer me!" She shouted slamming her fist on the table. Everyone flinched back, shivering in fear.

"Ma'am w-we were on lunch break." One of stuttered out, shaking in fear.

"Lunch break?" She laughed. "All of you?" It was like she was possessed by Mordake. One moment she calm and other moment she held the hell's fire within her.

"W-we got invitation from company staff, and event was done so we thought-

"So we thought, oh why not go and forget about our duties huh? THAT'S WHAT YOU THOUGHT RIGHT!" The calm was gone, and they were about to face her wrath. "Let me remind you something, you are agents who took oath to protect your client, no matter what the condition is. You are not those who sit eating donuts waiting for the disaster to happen and then take action. You are agents, no matter what happens, your clients safety is your priority . You make sure your client is alive and safe, even if you have skip few meals, or get up at midnight. There are no excuses what so ever." She harshly poked the forehead of the one who gave the reason of lunch break. "It is your duty to do your job without any complaints, if you can't then sign a resignation and get out of my fucking face!"

"We are sorry Sir." Everyone bowed their head in shame.

"Sorry?" She laughed again. "As if your sorry is gonna repair the damage. Just-just go." She flicked her hand at them. Others quickly gave her an apology and ran off. "Ahh what am I gonna do now??" She cried plopping down on the chair in exhaustion.


"Joon." Her eyes followed to his extended hand which the glass of water. "Ahh, thank you."

"Are you okay?" Ha Joon pulled a chair beside her before hesitantly asking her.

"Do I look okay to you? I am going to lose my job. Ahh I should have gone with my instinct and refused this case." She groaned pulling her hair in frustration.

"No, don't think like that. It was a small mistake and nobody was harmed, you took action on the right time so, you are not at the fault."

"I know Joon but look how mere lifters got inside from under our nose, what would we do if someone more dangerous gets in with the fake id."

"Ahh talking about fake id, I think your suspicion is right. It is defiantly someone with experience and high post to get his hands on something important like staff id's."

"Any further report on that?"

"Not yet we still working on it. It's quite difficult to directly question, since it will be like we are belittling the company's status."

"Yeah and with this recent incident it's gonna be much more difficult." Gauravi sighed.

"Uh when I was heading towards to you, I saw Jeon Jungkook running away." Ha Joon brought up the matter because he feared that Jungkook would reveal Gauravi's secret if he had seen what had happened.

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