예순이 - बासष्ट

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"I have no other choice. He is my artist and I will do anything to prot-"

"PD-NIM!" The door slammed open cutting Mr. Bang off. Both Gauravi and Mr. Bang turned around to see Yoongi rushing in with Namjoon and the man who guided Gauravi earlier following behind him.

"PD-nim I tried to stop him-" Mr. Bang held his hand up. The man nodded in understanding and left. 

Yoongi walked towards Gauravi who averted her eyes from him to her clenched fist. Yoongi stepped towards her but Namjoon held him back by his arm. Yoongi glared at him asking him to let go but Namjoon shook his head and nodded towards Mr. Bang who was silently watching him. Sighing quite loudly Yoongi turned towards his boss. "PD-nim, we both like each. I know it was a shock to find it out like this. But we really like each and we don't even have a no dating policy like before. I think it would be no problem for us right?" Yoongi went straight to point cutting the chase.

"I never said it would be problem but I also didn't say it would be right if it disrupts your public image." Mr Bang said.


"Look Yoongi, you know better than this. You all are at the peak stage of your career right now. Do you really want to give up all of it for this? You all struggled so much for years, worked hard until you couldn't stand. You really want give it up?" Mr. Bang asked shaking his head not understanding why would he jeopardize his career for something he could have later in his life. "I don't know about your decision but Ms. Apte here has already made hers." He said pointing towards Gauravi who had her head down.

"What do mean already made hers? Yah what is he talking about? You didn't do anything stupid right? We have talked about this Gauravi? I told you already that I don't care about what others have to say. I like you and no one can change a thing about that." Yoongi stepped near her, this time shrugging off Namjoon's grip. "Yah! Say something!" He snapped when Gauravi made no movement. She just kept staring at her balled fist in her lap. She couldn't face him, she didn't dare to.

"Sir, please consider my request." She looked up staring straight at Mr. Bang. "I will complete my job and leave." She stood up nodding her head at him and turned around to leave. Yoongi grabbed her wrist making her stop.

"You don't have anything to say to me? What request are you talking about?" Yoongi asked tightening his grip when she didn't answer or turn around to look at her. "G-Gauravi?" His voice choked. She squeezed her eyes biting on her tongue to stop herself from speaking. "You won't do this to me right? Tell me that you didn't do anything stupid? Tell me that we are okay? Tell me-"

"Stop." She cut him off. Taking a deep breath she turned around to look at Namjoon who was looking at her in pity. Please. She mouthed. Averting his eyes, Namjoon gulped and put his hand on Yoongi's shoulder.

"Hyung.." His whispered. Yoongi turned to look at Namjoon, his eyes brimmed with water.

"Namjoon-ah, tell her. I think she doesn't understand Korean. Translate what I said in English please. Joon-ah tell her, she can't do this. She said she liked me then why is she doing this Joon-ah?" Yoongi pleaded. Namjoon looked away to compose himself. He has never seen his hyung like this, pleading.

"Hyung, she's doing this because she likes you." Namjoon whispered looking back to him. "Let her go now. We can talk about this later right?" Namjoon said looking at Gauravi, pleaded her to not leave like this. "Look we can talk about this when everything is cooled down okay?" Yoongi nodded his head hopefully. Right they can talk about this calmly. It's not like she's leaving forever or something. She is not right? Yoongi quickly snapped his head towards her in fear.

Fangirl | BTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora